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Recocilation Procedure

Page no : 2

pujols20 (Techie)     29 May 2011


You have filed a false criminal case against your husband and has been jailed for few days because of you. he has faced something which he would never have dreamt in this "Womens" world.

This is nothing else other than a FEMALE harrasing a gentleman.

Correct judgement for this would be , You need to also go to jail and spend sometime there. Then you can request your gentleman husband to give MCD and you can take back the false cases.

I forgot one more thing to mention, the witnesses who gave false statements in your case should also follow the same treatment.

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hema (law officer)     29 May 2011


your legal nonsense about dv Act is replied effectively by Justice Sikri's bench of Delhi High Court and Justice Altams Kabir and cyriac joseph of Supreme court. your nonsense about dowry prohibition is replied effectively by justice ajit barihoke.  you have neither shame nor shy to spread legal lies on this forum. 

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zimmerzapper (student)     29 May 2011

rightly said pujols20

syed (Branch incharge)     29 May 2011

well said Tajob Sir

syed (Branch incharge)     29 May 2011

agree with PUJOL comments & suggestion

Dear Author,

First you get back your 498 case against him, give some kined relief to your husband, then apply for divorce, even in reconciliation meeting you can say that case was withdraw by you, ask forgiveness ( here you are not going to loose anything if you ask him to forgive your act), ask for MSD any how you are not asking for any maintanance/ Alimony etc, so diffenetly your husband will agree for MSD as even he want to live peacfully. Be polite and calm in this - do not fight for your rights - everything will be settled.

If he apply for RCR then you ignore to join him, say clearly that you have withdraw the case even in reconiliation meeting you request for MSD if he agreed then fine otherwise ask court to grant divorce

IF you didnt attend RCR - and after one year if you apply for divorce then what you think he wouldnt fight the case - definetly that will drag you for more years



"do not let  the Section 498-A case get diluted and if he has got a fear of conviction, he may come with a compromise proposal requesting you to withdraw section 498-A and he will put no objection to divorce decree."

Even without asking if she filed 489a on genuine grounds, you are advising her not to withdraw 489a and use it to force husband for divorce. As a law office, you are very well aware of the misuse of 498a & DV act, and even supreme court has asked the goerment for amendment. Now a days, in most of the cases, 498a & DV are just tools to force husband either to accept her unfare demands.... only a few are genuine ones...thats why the conviction rates are too low. The so called law officers take bribe and help the girls to file false cases, and in such cases we need valuable advices from legal experts like @Tajobsindia to defend ourselves...

@ Author has not even mentioned the reasons for filing 498a and divorce, and they have no kids even after 7yrs. So, my guss is she is trying to get out of marriage by fabricating false cases against husband...

hema (law officer)     29 May 2011


Even without asking if she filed 489a on genuine grounds, you are advising her not to withdraw 489a and use it to force husband for divorce. As a law office, you are very well aware of the misuse of 498a & DV act, and even supreme court has asked the goerment for amendment. Now a days, in most of the cases, 498a & DV are just tools to force husband either to accept her unfare demands.... only a few are genuine ones...thats why the conviction rates are too low. The so called law officers take bribe and help the girls to file false cases, and in such cases we need valuable advices from legal experts like @Tajobsindia to defend ourselves...

As a law officer I know how many are false 498-A cases and how many are genuine cases.  I also know how many husbands after getting out of jail kneel down before the wife and beg her for compromise instead of fighting the socalled (according to them) fabricated case.  I also know the other side of some of the husbands, who perpetrate the cruelty on the wife and once she knocks the court runs just like a headless chicken.  Every one on this forum comes with a plea that a false case is filed against him and on the next day turn and abuse the women contributing on this forum.  if men need advice, women also need advice and they do not need advice from those persons who give biased advises for men and stand for men's rights.

every criminal case has got less conviction rate. either it is S.302, S. 306, S.354, S.376, S.420, S.468, S.471 or even S.138 of negotiable instruments Act.  since independence no politician is convicted for bribery.  Are our politicians are honest? All the cases filed against them are fabricated?  They also say the same thing that their political opponents fabricated false cases against them.  so do not teach me about conviction rate.  once section 498-A is filed husband runs to high court for quashing of the FIR and before the court, instead of asking for quashing of the FIR starts to weep "mylord, direct her to go for compromise in mediation, i am ready to pay back stridhan (other name of dowry), i am ready to pay alimony".  once compromise is reached comes out and shouts that section 498-A is a false case.  this case will be put under the category of unconvicted case.  if it is a false case, why do not they fight?

supreme court said about misuse of section 498-A in one or two cases, but also said in several cases how some indian husbands mentally and physically harass their wives and put them in flames.  if there is any doubt read section 304-B cases read with section 498-A cases and Section 306 cases.  in every year, about 50 to 60 cases are being decided by the supreme court and in most of the cases exhorting the recalcitrant husbands to behave properly.  Recently justice Katju said about such husbands - hang them till death.

come to section 498-A amendments.  Law commission of India took the matter at the behest of supreme court and gave its report.  read it thoroughly.  it refused to recommend the abolition of that section.

if you are in the need of taking legal advice, you take it from any one.  do not insult the other people (especially women), just like Rakhi, who come on this forum seeking advice.  they have got a right to get legal advice. Not the moral preachings from the so called experts.

My criticism is only and only against those husbands who commit mental and physical harassment against their wives.  98 per cent of indian men and women are very decent and they enjoy a very happy married life.

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cm jain sir (ccc)     08 October 2011

please note these law officer are the dalals for the police and take money on their behalf. we people are not fool so nobody should try to prove their smartness here. please dont misguide the people and work for the welfare of the society not for you pocket.

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     09 October 2011

Another revived thread :-(




Shonee Kapoor

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