As per the Order of District Collector a man power Recruitment agency has to Collect ESI,PF,Serviice TAx from the Service Recipient. but the service provider (man power agent ) has not levied the same and not collected from the service receipent for more thatn three years.
He (the agent) a registered service provider neither collected the service tax nor made the payment to Govt. nor he filed the ST Return for more than three years.
S T dept made a ride and found that he is continuos defaluter. his turnover was more that 3 crores for many years.
the dept raised a demand including penality of Rs. 1.48 Crores.
NOw he is insiting the Clients ( the Service Receipents) to pay the service tax .
Can he ask the same?
are his clients( the Service Receipents) duty bod to pay the service tax amount?