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Sunil Datte (Engineer)     27 April 2012

Police do not registering fir/complaint

Hi have joined a body slimming center, they have promised for weight loss program which was guaranteed, and they have   also mentioned it on my money receipt, but there is no progress or weight loss I have experience after the stipulated period, and I have some side effects, I asked them to show their licenses and certificates and detail of their dr’s including those employees who are working in my body(like massaging and therapy)and I also wanted to know the scientific logic of their service, because they are applying the machine and oil on my body, but they do not providing anything, and they also not giving me the acknowledgement of my letter, saying  that they don’t have company stamp, even in fact they don’t have any stamp.  

I went to police station to lodge an FIR against them but police denying to registering FIR, saying it is a consumer case I have to file a consumer complaint.

  I hope you seniors definitely help me and guide me to go further.



Sunil Datte.


 6 Replies

Sunil Datte (Engineer)     27 April 2012

Thanks for your early reply.

What is the procedure to file a consumer case against them?

I’m from Pune Maharashtra, do I need any advocate to file a consumer case, or I can file it myself.

what are the document sould i attached to file a consumer case.



Adv.R.P.Chugh (Advocate/Legal Consultant (     27 April 2012

Different People react to different treatment differently. If the procedure is such that it is scientific and has worked on other people - no question of criminal liability arises - and consumer complaint for deficiency of service is your right remedy. However if these people are quacks..who knowing the ineffective nature of their services are with a fradulent/dishonest manner decieving people into believing that it would be effective - and then making them part with money. They can be held liable for cheating. 

Feel free to talk!

modassir nasim (lawyer)     27 April 2012

you can file a complain case in court if those peolpe are not having proper certificate for doing the therepy .they have definetly cheated you and a criminal case will lie.

Ganesh (Proprietor)     27 April 2012


If I’m not wrong, Police should register a complaint, because it is a case about unprofessional trade practice, cheating to customers providing wrong information, when a company unable to produce their license or practice certificate. Am I right sir?

vimal sen (Lawyer)     27 April 2012

hello Mr. Sunil,

only remedy for you is consumer protection Act, its very simple to file a complaint against them. in that complaint u can mention all your problem.

vimal sen

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