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Subramanya G Rao (owner)     10 July 2013

Please advice on partition non registration

Dear Sir, There is a situation where, Possession of Property by a compromise Preliminary Court Decree in 1966 for 3 brothers A,B,C. A sale deed in this respect was registered in the name of ABC. A occupied the property completely. In 1983 the property was partitioned through a unregistered family arrangement deed with notarization document on the name of B C and wife of A since A passed away . The arrangement was based on drawing plan with specific separate dimensions of the property allotted to each person of A, B ,C. Heirs of A,B,C occupied their share of property according to the family arrangement. A and B passed away. All the heirs of B provided an affidavit for the registration of their property share to the son of B in 1995. Based on Family deed , Affidavit Municipal corporation provided Katha Bifurcation to the property for separated share of the property in the name of spouse of A, Son of B, and C in 1995. All the heirs of B provided a notarized GPA to the wife of B's Son in 1998 for executing a release deed for their share of property to the son of B. GPA was not registered but the Release deed was registered in 1998. The queries are: As of today, can, (1) Unregistered Family arrangement deed (2) Katha Bifurcation (3) Affidavit for registration on B's Son (4) Unregistered GPA for Release deed execution (5) Registered Release Deed is valid from a court of Indian civil laws ? If so, Time Bar (limit) of 12 and 30 years is applicable or not for any possible contest now ? If documents are not valid does it conclude that partition has not taken place at all and there is no time limit for contesting on the partition of the property of A,B,C and Partitioned property of B's Son ? How the partition can be registered ? Please help , I appreciate your help. Thanks Subramanya

 2 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     10 July 2013

Yes. it is valid because it is registered docuement.

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     10 July 2013

Yes. it is valid because it is registered docuement.

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