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Manoj (supervisor)     02 June 2012

Please advice me


I am from kerala, I have a question about engagement. I had engaged on girl in dec 2011, after the engagement i fall in love with another girl. Now i want to ignore that girl which is engaged in dec 2011. Could please let me know if there is any legal issues for ignore that girl (Engaged girl). Help meee


 4 Replies

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     02 June 2012

talk sweetly with the engaged girl about your predicament without breaking her heart and compensate the money to her parents, which they spent on engagement.

1 Like

manish (cdsdfasd sdf)     02 June 2012

be careful manoj.. yes, you can break the engagement but be nice and subtle. talk to your parents and let them talk to their parents. Dont let them know that you fell in love with a new girl. Find some reasons.

I hope you havent exploited the girl with whom you got engaged. If you have, then I hope you will not come out easy..

HK_Jain... (498a Fighter)     02 June 2012


Be catious

You can be a new victim like Nisha sharma dowry case.

Do 1 thing..

talk your parents & take them in confidence.

leave your home for the time being then do a secret marriage with that girl and declare you are already married with your choice and type a letter contain you are above 21 & have right to marry his choice only and speed post it to your police station and her police station.

This is an idea just to escape from legal terrorism.

Its just a idea not suggestion. My motive is behind that

If her family complaint against you and your family member that they are demanding dowry and when we can not fullfill their illegal demand they are breaking the marriage & try to defaming us.

Then you would be in big problem un-neccessary.

well take it easy.


Hemant Jain



Mads (Service)     21 June 2012

I am 29 years old from New Delhi, I got married on 18/2/2011; my husband is employed with Indian Army. Since he left for his postings my in laws started fighting with me over small things like not wearing chudi, bindi n stuff. They also misbehaved with my parents. This forced me to move out of that place and I started living at my place. In 1 1/2 years I have hardly lived for 3-4 months with them. In between I had a miscarriage they still created scenes. And now that I became mother of a 3 months baby girl, and after doing whatever I could to make them and my husband happy. They still fought with me n as a result m at my parents house again with my daughter. My husband does not wish to leave his family (parents n sister) and these ppl don't let me live peacefully. Even after seeing everything with his own eyes my spouse blames me for trying to break the house.


Please advice what action I can take against them for mental harrasment and what evidence I can provide. And what punishment they will get, if they have any for mental harrasment. and I also wish to separate from husband as I believe he is more responsible for what all has happened till now.




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