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salim shaikh (designer)     20 August 2011

Petition praying for amendments in section 498a of ipc.




The Committee on Petitions of the Rajya Sabha, under the Chairmanship

of Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Member, Rajya Sabha, is considering a

petition praying for amendments in Section 498A of Indian Penal Code, 1860.

The petitioner in his petition has pointed out the extensive abuse and misuse of

this provision of the Penal Code. According to the petitioner, the abused

population undergoes tremendous harassment and torture. As these provisions

of the penal code presently go, a complaint without much authenticity or any

weight of evidence is enough to arrest the husband or the in-laws or anyone else

named in the complaint, irrespective of whether any crime has taken place or not.

The petitioner, accordingly, has prayed for suitable modification in section 498A

of Penal Code so as to check its abuse and protect the interest of innocent


2. The petition is available on the Rajya Sabha's website

( under the link: Committees Standing Committees

Committee on Petitions Petitions with the Committee.

3. The Committee has decided to undertake consultations with a wide crosssection

of the society and invites written memoranda thereon. Those desirous of

submitting memoranda to the Committee may send two copies (each in English

and Hindi) thereof to Shri Rakesh Naithani, Joint Director, Rajya Sabha

Secretariat, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi – 110 001 (Tel: 011-

23035433(O), 23794328 (Telefax) and E-mail: latest

by 30th December, 2010.

4. Comments/suggestions, etc. submitted to the Committee would form part

of its record and would be treated as confidential. Any violation in this regard

may attract breach of privilege of the Committee.

5. Those who are willing to appear before the Committee besides submitting

written comments/suggestions may indicate so. However, the Committee’s

decision in this regard shall be final.

 3 Replies

upasna (coordinator)     29 August 2011

sure..i m going to do it right away..



Petition No. Short Title of Petition Last date for suggestions Under examination with Feedback to


2 Petition praying for amendments in Section 498A of IPC. 

30 Dec 2010 Committee on Petitions (def)     31 August 2011

Correct me if I am wrong....The last date of sending the docs is already gone!

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