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Sonu (Software Engineer)     29 October 2013

No arrests in 498a cases without dcp's permission

Hi Respected Advocates,

In 2002, Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mr. MV KrishnaRao issued a memo to all police stations in Andhra Pradesh stating that no arrests should be made in 498A cases without DCPs permission.

This was issued in 2002. Now we are in 2013.My question is does the above memo which was issues in 2002 is still valid?

 10 Replies

fighting back (exec)     29 October 2013

what makes you think it is invalid???? any specific reason or update

Sonu (Software Engineer)     29 October 2013

The reasons why I am thinking that the memo may not be valid now:

Reason 1: The police commissioner Mr. MV KrishnaRao who issued that memo in 2002 is not working as Hyderabad commissioner now.

Reason 2: The current police commissioner might be having a different view and might be thinking arrest is the correct procedure on 498A cases.

Reason 3: Sofar there is no specific law to NOT to arrest.

So the memo which he passed in 2002 might be valid in his era but it may not be valid now as we have a different police commissioner in Hyderabad now.

All respected Advocates..... Please respond and provide your valuable inputs here. This is going to helpful lot many people. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE.

Successfully fighting with 498 (MANAGER)     30 October 2013


That memo valid till now except A1.

Sonu (Software Engineer)     30 October 2013

Hi Peaceful Life,


What is A1?

Just want to make sure that .......On what basis you are saying that memo valid till now? I mean if police comes to my home I should be in a position to prove that the memo is still valid. So please suggest. Thanks.

Sonu (Software Engineer)     30 October 2013

Hi All Respected Advocates,

Can you please provide your views and answers on the below question? The info which provides may save many lives. Thanks.

In 2002, Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mr. MV KrishnaRao issued a memo to all police stations in Andhra Pradesh stating that no arrests should be made in 498A cases without DCPs permission.


My question is does the above memo which was issued in 2002 is still valid?

Successfully fighting with 498 (MANAGER)     31 October 2013

A1-Main Accused


These information was given by My area Circle inspector of police during my 498a case.

Arrest of my family number are happened after he got permission.

Sonu (Software Engineer)     31 October 2013

Hi Peaceful Life,

In which year your area Circle Inspector has given this info?

What is that area name? (Nothing to do with the area but just curios to know. If you dont want to reveal this it is absolutely fine).

You mentioned that arrest of family members happened after police got permission. Did they arrest you before they got permission?


Thanks in advance for your answers.

Alex joy (AM)     03 November 2013

Dear sonu,

You said that memo was issued in yr.2002, but who knows that the same memo. was canceled OR superceded with another new instruction in the form of memo. circulated internally to arrest or not to arrest.?

However, A1 will be arrested surely by SI in person by noting place & time of arrest, then A2...A3...arrest will take place in due course but not for sure except to produce before Judiciary.

TIPS: Make sure if a case u/s 498a was registered, through your parents in underground without knowing this even to your close family aids by switching off their mobiles. OR else that tension will eat off their life into 50% with in days.     

Sonu (Software Engineer)     04 November 2013

Through RTI can I find out whether that memo which was issued in 2002 is still valid or not?

Alex joy (AM)     04 November 2013

yes u can...

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