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Ruchika Anand (HR)     17 February 2013

Need you support to fight for right cause

Lawyers / Friends , 

Please support the below link to fight for the cause i have taken up. I take responsibility to clean the society from the crocodiles who marry for money and then physically abuse the girl....and after marriage refuse to take up the responsibility of a husband and put pressure on girl and her parents to pou in more facilities..

Its no gossip , no entertainment rather its a harsh reality of my life where i have under gone torture of 35 - 45 days of marriage and fighting for divorce from 1.5 years.......and i plan to fight for my dignity and self respect even further.

By supporting the link you would only show the guts to stand up for injustice prevailing in society.


Thanks and regards,

To All


 4 Replies

Nitin (Law)     17 February 2013

You are going to get in very big trouble for posting pictures and defaming someone on public forum like Facebook.

So lady immediately remove the facebook link or be prepared for a defamation suit and many other charges.

Nitin (Law)     17 February 2013

Also lady could you please make it clear what you mean by "Crocodile who marry for money"

First i would like to know why people give dowry for marriage and get married to people who ask for money.If woman cannot find a man who does not ask for money then why cannot they stay single and why getting married and then crying that the man asked for money ?

If you gave him money or if you did not check his background before marriage then you are also equally responsible and also your fault and you should not start complaining now that you are a women and you are being harrassed.If marriage does not work get divorced and if you gave money and have proof then you file a case and get it back what else you need ?

Ruchika Anand (HR)     17 February 2013

Nitin you are absolutely right.....

By saying crocodile means who keep good expressions on face but have hidden intensions in mind....and those intensions come out when the day comes or when the right time comes...when other person is helpless...To trap some one in emotions and blocking there mind to think anything else is a crocodiles job.

And i am again n again saying it was my mistake background check nahi kiya......but that dosent mean some one take advantage of that and ruins others life for their benefit and greed.....Galti se bhi galti mein bhi kabhi sahi log takra jaate hai....and no offence i am only specific about this guy and no one else i am taking please dont feel offended its only about them.....there are good people also who exits in society.....and those good guys are facing bad  experiences by greedy girls who abuse 498 a to extract money.....but nothing of this sought here in my case.

Secondly defamation is a false charge on some one and a person can be sued on making false charges and allegations......not the right one......i am fighting for the cause and its Jan kalyan because i am the 4th girl  in my case and he is again hunting girls on jeevansathi. com etc showing his marital status as never married...if that was the case Gopal kanda can sue Geetika's family or Vadra can sue Kejriwal....what they do is Jan kalyan...and i am doing the same.

There is the big diffrence between Defamation and Exposing some one........i am Exposing that no 1 after me gets trapped by them...because first thing is some enters name of his or her would be on google.

Aur galat ko galat kehene mein sharam band kamre mein galat hai ko socoal networking site par bhi galat hai.....simple

IF you agree with me then please support me.


Ruchika Anand (HR)     17 February 2013

Yes Sam i am alive......are you also fighting some case??? If what is the status of it ???

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