This query is for all
My major fear is not that she may file 498a,pwdva2005 or any maintenence case. Luckily I am well equiped with sufficient proofs to tackle above cases.
My fear is if I maintain silence and then after some months or years she wants to join me back then what can i do, as there is a high possibility that she might have tried to launch such false cases and no one entertained her due to lack of evidences and BRIBES from their side as they are not financially sound. And this time after joining me she may fabricate evidences and then files such cases from my place only and then legally its not possible to remove her from there. What if she files RCR with ulterior motives instead of filing criminal cases against me. Then what to do, If I refuses to take her back after court's order she may get my assets & earnings attached to her.
From the discussions with my in-laws and wife it seems that they cant afford to break this marriage due to many social and economical factors and at the same time they dont want to lead normal life. They are control freaks.
Please suggest something effective legal method to solve my problem. Is it possible to get something in writing by my wife and inlaws that whatever happened was due to some misunderstanding and ego clashes and was not at all a case of DV or 498A or DP. and in future such allegations before this date will not be maintainable. We missed to document the list of expenses and gifts during marriage can we prepare this now and get it countersigned by both parties in presence of magistrate to avoid further inconvinience.
Please guide me wheather such thing is legally possible or not.
other necessary details
1) got married in jan 2012
2) she deserted me in june 2012
3) all efforts are always from my side and went futile due to their unreasonable demand of ghar jamai
4) no communication between us since last 1 month
5) no cases filed so far from both sides.
thanks in advance