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Shraddha Sharma (Executive assistant)     08 August 2014

Money from government after my fathers aciident death



My father was expired in a road accident with my uncle 6 years back on vasai highway.

so the case has gone to the vasai court for investigation and the insurance money is suppose to come to my family from them.

I am following up with the advocate since six years regressly, every time he is giving false promises, i am fed up with this now, so my question is can is it appropriate to change the advocate at this time? or is it really take so much time to get the money?, becuase my uncle's family has already got the money two years back and i have not yet received anything...

as i normally stay out of mumbai, my mother has to tolrate all this and she has to visit the court just for asking the status. the advocate is saying that the decision from the court is approved and now only written order has to come. but its been a year he told me this...

Someone please help me..


 5 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     08 August 2014

Judgment is followed by a decree which is its operating part.

There are guidelines on 'Pronouncement of Judgement'  issued by Apex Court, within the same month/2 months and in case of delay any party can make a prayer.

You should take out some time and inquire yourself from the concerned court.

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Shraddha Sharma (Executive assistant)     08 August 2014

Thank you so much for the advise, Can you guide me some more on this, as i personally have also visited many times on the case dates but my advocate has never allowed me to meet the judge or the insurance company person, i was always waiting outside of the room and he used give me the extended dates.

Please let me know, exactly whom(which authority) should i go and meet in the court.

and will my advocate come to know about this? if i go and meet anyone directly? will it affect anyway to my case?


Kumar Doab (FIN)     09 August 2014

You can very well enter the court room on your date with your lawyer.

if you are not satisfied with your lawyer you can pay the fee obtain NOC and avail the services of another lawyer.

You can obtain permission of Inspecting Judge and Inspect the case file by paying a nominal fee say Rs.10/. While you inspect the file keep a lawyer with you.



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Shraddha Sharma (Executive assistant)     12 August 2014

hello sirs,

i just got to know that the judgement has been taken by the judge on 12/05/2014 but the order has not been given to my advocate, i saw online that my case has been disposed and Nature Of Disposal is Contested--JUDGMENT, i did not understood whether it is in my favor or the opposite party?

please let me know if you can, also what do i have to do now to get the written order from the court, the advocate is saying that because of the less staff it is being delayed, other than this he is not passing any information.

pls help as per law in how many days it takes after the decision has been passed, to receive the actual judgement paper. and now after this how many days will it take to receive the actual money?

Kumar Doab (FIN)     12 August 2014

The reader of then judge can update on status.

You can apply for certified copy of the judgement.

Your lawyer can apply for certified copy of the judgement.

You can ask your lawyer if he has applied for copy of the judgement and/or if judge has delivered the judgement. 

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