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Ahona (other)     07 September 2008

Guidance for lease

My grandmother made a 5 storied house in 1962. my father and my other 4 uncles are co-sharer of that property. according to her will my father and my 4 uncles are the owner of 5 flats individually. my grand mother died in the year 1982. after that still now mutation has not been done. still this property belongs to my grand mother who is already died. my father wants to lease that property. so my question is..... is he eligible to do the same as he is one of the owner ( according to my grandmother's will) of that property.???


 3 Replies

GOPI KRISHNA (ADVOCATE)     07 September 2008

First mutate the revenue entries based on the will and death certificte of your grand mother and let all 5 sons of your grand mother take their share, thereafter your father can lease out the flat

Priya Ranjan (Sr. Ex.Legal)     08 September 2008

Mutation does not create any right in favour of anybody it is only for the purpose of  affixation of property tax and  even though your father can lease out the property as being the successor in property .

Mutation is must to create your name as the owner in the records for fixation of property tax

Ahona (other)     10 September 2008

Thanks a lot for your valuable guidance. If my father wants to lease the property without doing mutation.....what should be there in the agreement.?

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