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Santhosh   11 April 2017

Gift deed (with some issues)

Dear Sir / Madam,

I'm requesting your kind guidance regarding difficulties I may probably face after a land transaction.
My family: Father, mother, and 3 sons, I' m the middle one. 

I have built a beautiful house and registered the property on my mother's name with an oral agreement to return later few years ago. 

In the meanwhile, it seems my brothers have developed interests in this property. 

Now, my mother is intending to return my property back to me, and we don't know if there are chances of litigation by other members of my family as they stake claim and wanting to take this matter to the court to divide the asset equally between us. (b'coz they say, it legally belongs to our mom)

But, my mom says that she can help me with a statement that explains as "it's my son's property & I'm giving back what belongs to him"...

Kind note: My father says, its his wife's and need settlement (only my mom is intending, others are staking claim), Until now, I am only taking care of my parents (both of them).. 

Please advise whether If I have to sacrifice or I can get back what belongs to me. 

Thank you all...! 

 9 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     11 April 2017

let your mother write a WILL  on your name & get it registered. No problems in future.

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Santhosh   11 April 2017

Thanks for your kind reply..Thank you sir

Kumar Doab (FIN)     11 April 2017

Outright sale by valid/registered sale deed, Registered Gift deed (signed in person before registering authority), valid WILL (preferably registered) are some of the options.

Get her examined from a specialist doctor certifying that she is mentally sound.

Keep unshakable witnesses that she signed without any force, pressure.

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Kumar Doab (FIN)     11 April 2017

In case of WILL: At presidential towns it is mandatory to probate the WILL. Check expenses.

IN case of Gift: At some locations the duty/charges in case of gift between blood relatives the charges might be negligible. Gift once made by donor and accepted by done confer title immediately.

Submit the deed to concerned authority and get latest mutation records in your name.

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shrenik (lawyer)     11 April 2017

Gift deed is best option
1 Like

Santhosh   12 April 2017

Thank you sir.. ! Thanks for your kind reply.. ! 

Santhosh   12 April 2017

Thank you very much sir. 

Santhosh   12 April 2017

Thank you sir. 

Kumar Doab (FIN)     12 April 2017

You are welcome.

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