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sujan (S/w)     09 July 2016

Cancel marraige after engagement

Sir, Recently my girl friend got engaged with another boy, but she is not interested to marry that guy.both are same castes. but i am another caste. she told so many time to parents this marraige not interested. but every time they convinced don't worry after marraige all the things will be clear. But she was not interested to marry and she is not interested to come outside.what should i do? please reply? I am inrterested to marry her. but caste is different? my cate hindu and her caste christian. Please suggest best option how to cancel.


 9 Replies

JustAdvisor (IT)     09 July 2016

if she is not interested in marrying that guy, why did she get engaged in front of an audience i presume. Are you sure your love is not one sided?

saravanan s (legal advisor)     09 July 2016

Only if she is also interested in marrying you you can do something. otherwise you will get into unwanted troubble trying to help her

A walk alone (-)     09 July 2016

If she dnt want to marry and not what to come outside then it may be possible your love is one sided. If her family is not accepting then leave this relationship. If you get marriage you may suffer after. Because for a happy married life both side family acceptance is also required. I know this time you will not understand but after sometime you will definitely understand . It's her life let her take decision. But think why she got engaged if she loves you? Why she not cancel the marriage as she is adult. no one can force her to marriage with someone without her concent.

sujan (S/w)     09 July 2016

Thank for your replies, but i am confuising about your replies. my love two sided.. but everty time she says i am not interested to marry other guy,  i want you, do something. i suggested so many ways if your family interested to talk with you i definitely come and talk to your parents. second one please tell to that guy i am not interested to marry you. but she can't do anyone. what i will do. Exactly i don't know if she is not interested or not interested. but in words she is saying.  

sujan (S/w)     09 July 2016

Really i love her a lot, i want you. Next month 24th her marraige date. i don't know what to do. What she thinks. Compared to that guy i am very best in all the ways. Salary, family backgroud, only difference is Caste. She preferes her family i am very happy to that, but why she is not thinking about me.

A walk alone (-)     09 July 2016

Brother she is playing with your feelings. She is making you fool. She is only saying lies and you are believing her blindly.If she really loves you she will never engaged with someone else and agree for marriage. Accept truth.Forget her as a bad dream. Find someone else.Otherwise you will only get sadness . Ask yourself if she loves you why she get engaged? Why she is not able to cancel her marriage ?

JustAdvisor (IT)     09 July 2016

unless she comes out of her house and shows her will to marry you, legally you can do nothing. and don't watch too many Hindi movies in this period.

sujan (S/w)     09 July 2016

It's impossiible to get out of the situation. I truly love her a lot. Now a days why parents are seen Caste,If she is ineterested about that guy, why she says i want you. Why some girls are playing with Boys feelings..I am not saying all the boys are genuine but some people genuine. I want to do something. please suggest best ways to cancel marraige

m.kameswaran (student)     09 August 2016

go to police station file a complaint, then they will enquire the parents and ur lover, if she say yes i love him , not interested in marraige with the boy  selected by parents, the problem will be solved  if her answer is no, then to meet the consequences of false copmlaint.

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