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dev060186 (lecturer)     26 May 2015

Extortion in name of 125

Let me tell if anybody comes from wife side n say husband thrown her or beat her, then it is exceptable, or it is shown mandatory medical certificate. I made video when she leave me with bags in hand.

 3 Replies


Come out with the detailed facts 


When women uses legal gun of extortion via 125 crpc, then you need to take back lovely wife and tell in court that you are ready to accept her back, once you say it in court, court will dismiss her 125 crpc application.  court will tell your wife, that , as your husband is ready to take you back there is no question of he paying you alimony any more.

dev060186 (lecturer)     26 May 2015

We were started living seperate from my parent at my job side in a house of her father friend in rent, so infulancing, he may give such statement, but how can i prove he is family friend.

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