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RAM (engg)     05 April 2015

Divorce case evidence...



My case of divorce is in trial stage, proof affidavit filed and marked. Trial has to begin.  My case is based on cruelty filed on May 2010.


Now she has fixed marriage for my elder daughter without my knowledge and concerned. Also, now she is distributing marriage invitations, in that she is not mentioned about me as a father of bride, and my parent’s names.  There is no mentioning about us anything in that marriage invitations.


Now she is filing a petition that asking money for the marriage.


1.     Is it possible to use this invitation as evidence? If it so how?

2.     She is not mentioned bride father who is. Is it possible to use this point for divorce as extra material affairs she had? Why this I want use means she is torturing me in many ways every day. Due to this I am getting health problem. Some times due this mental disturbance my life is get in danger.  Hospital visit is now my regular part of life.



Please guide me 


 11 Replies

FREDYCHARLES RK - Bangalore (Advocate)     05 April 2015

Why not flip the coin  for a moment?

Today is an auspicious day for Christians and that saviour said, if someone slaps you on cheek show the other and  if someone wants to sue you and take your coat, let them take your tunic too........So why dont you play the role of a saviour ........give her the money that you can for your daughters marriage......  afterall she is making a life changing decision of marriage. 

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     05 April 2015

Ha ha ha very humorous reply from my dear friend. Agreed why can't you do this. Arrange money for the marriage via court document it and use the proof you have it adds to the mental cruelty . bro it is two bird shot with one Bullet.

RAM (engg)     05 April 2015



I am ready and tried many times but she is not allowed to do so. Even thru court I tried but she asks entire money and properties. her aim is to put me in streets.


what can I do please tell me

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     05 April 2015

File a memo to the court with the amount you wish to pay for daughters marriage, make a court deposit with the reason she is entitled withdraw this money only for marriage purpose. The hon judge will allow your request.

RAM (engg)     05 April 2015



I did 10 lakhs FD receipt I given but she refused asking all... what I have.


this was going for last 6 months of last 4 hearings

sandykrish (Interested in Family LAW)     05 April 2015

Let her go to hell. Don't worry since you have done a FD. If she wants she will take other wise don't even bother about her. Continue the case.

RAM (engg)     05 April 2015

Why this I want use means ...


she is torturing me in many ways every day. Due to this I am getting health problem. Some times due this mental disturbance my life is get in danger.  Hospital visit is now my regular part of life.



due to her torture I changed my residence 7 time since last 4.5 years



I am living alone. I dont hvae any close relative to help me. thats why I asked this question 


Please guide me. She is dragging the case even after trial was ordered in april 2012

Originally posted by : RAM



My case of divorce is in trial stage, proof affidavit filed and marked. Trial has to begin.  My case is based on cruelty filed on May 2010.


Now she has fixed marriage for my elder daughter without my knowledge and concerned. Also, now she is distributing marriage invitations, in that she is not mentioned about me as a father of bride, and my parent’s names.  There is no mentioning about us anything in that marriage invitations.


Now she is filing a petition that asking money for the marriage.


1.     Is it possible to use this invitation as evidence? If it so how?

2.     She is not mentioned bride father who is. Is it possible to use this point for divorce as extra material affairs she had? Why this I want use means she is torturing me in many ways every day. Due to this I am getting health problem. Some times due this mental disturbance my life is get in danger.  Hospital visit is now my regular part of life.



Please guide me 

A decision was taken long long back you are reaping the results of those today.

If you have so much problem regarding she not mentioning that you are the dad, then why dont you go pacify things with  wife?

Thats the simplest way out for all of you, your daughter, your wife and yourself.  Its better to spare the EGO you have than to fall sick and die in some hospital alone.  

Think about it, coz if people of your age do not show patience and forgiveness, how can 25 somethings show?

Or else forget the whole thing, use the marriage invitation card as evidence for mental cruelty, but is it not obvious that she remove your name from wedding card?  Its quite natural, as you both are already in court for divorce.

Think, and act and stick to your decision whatever you take.

stanley (Freedom)     06 April 2015

@ Author . 

I have to state that your elder daughter is a major . 

you are not bound as per law to support as she is a minor . 

Secondly you have not stated if your daughter is working .


So why the heck do you keep worrying , relax and let her continue farting . At the most you may have to give maintenance to your wife provided she is not a working women .


Born Fighter (xxx)     07 April 2015

This seems to be another case where the wife is using kids to emotionally drain the husband by claiming huge alimony/maintenance.


Sir, pay as per your capacity, simple!. From the facts of the case your divorce case is going from past 4.5yrs or so, your daughter is a major and there seems to be no body who could make peace (not even your daughter) with your wife. 


You should have maintained good relation with your daughter at least, quite obvious your daughter is also not acknowledging you, which is sad.


Relations have strained beyond repair. You and your wife have showed extreme behaviors and both are facing the music without doubt. 


Sir, at this stage of your life please leave your egos aside and work on a mutual consent divorce OR else you will have only 2 places to run , one being court and the other being hospital


All the Best !!!

Upendra (Lecturer)     07 April 2015

i agree with stanley

your daughter is major she is not your headache,

since she has not taken the FD use the intrest to appoint a good lawyer, let her go to court,

I dont think the evidence cited by you is of any use, yuo can cite them in your arguements though,

dispose any property  ancestral property, and any self made property you might claim that you had to sell them for the legal expinditure.

after that relax and live happily. ignore her totally, consult your lawyer on how to proceed with the divorce case,

what she will get from courts will be only peanuts compared to to the 10 L she has rejected.

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