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Munni   30 January 2017

Divorce case

Hi all I required suggestion on my matrimony issue..

In short we got married in 2010 and stayed together for around 6 month only...he work in Dubai and he took me there for few months..during staying at Dubai, he every time tourture me, physically slap me, bitten me, he underestimated my parents and treated me like a slave..

Later I back to India and asked to my parents to help to settle thrugh seniors.. But instead of lot any trial my husband tried to keep aside and play many games.. sent me false letter, put miscall and never come to my home..and simply drag the time..

Latee after 1 year of separation, he files RCR and soon after he withdraw and filed divorce on the ground of long separation..

Now divorce case if going on and trial are going on... But I want to continue my relation but he is not in a stage to take me..

Please suggest on followings,

- Now divorce case is almost 3 and half year and I want to request to court now that I want to join with my husbend and for that how should I proceed / follow on my court case?

- AFter a long trial when our relation not able to patchup, alternatingly I filed for interim..I requested but he dont want to give me money..Till now I havenot received any interim maintenance...

I am just part time working near by home in daily wage basis and just a small money.. now he is playing and understodd that he is working in a private company where he did some adjustment and showing very little salary and showing to court on his past loan and many expences..His intension not to give me money and simply lenthering the case, going higher court, supreme court etc..

Recently he is coming up that I should work in a NGO or orphan age and he want to pay very little money to that organization from where I should get salary..and simply he is parents cannot support for my expences and how can I survive now?

Tactfully he put resignation later many time and quickly he put proff in court that he he jobless..he is a playing master..How to deal with this type of matter?

I heard that he already keeping another lady in Dubai but he dont keep mariage certifiate with him (no document proff)..this information got through friend..he is staying with that girl..How to proove this on court?

Please suggest on this how to get ridout of this situation?




 12 Replies

Munni   30 January 2017

Hi all,

Just add on my above query, if he will torture me like this, can I file DV case against him? now we separated for around 4 years already...we dont have baby from our past marriage.. 

Originally posted by : Munni
Hi all,

Just add on my above query, if he will torture me like this, can I file DV case against him? now we separated for around 4 years already...we dont have baby from our past marriage.. 

Yes.  YOu can file DV case.  File dowry case also. Did you marry dog? or man?  Why he bite you?  Teach him proper lesson.  Dont leave hiim.  File adultery case also and bigamy case also.  If you are muslim bigamy case wont hold good for you.

Ask your lawyer to issue vasooli warrant in interim maintenance case.  Rest court will do.  Dont worry.

2 Like

Shankar   30 January 2017

saravanan s (legal advisor)     30 January 2017

you can file dv as well as 498a over cant file adultery case over your husband as only the husband of the girl (if that girl is married) with whom your husband is in relation can file adultery can gather proofs for his adultery by engaging a detective and can use it in case you are filing divorce on the grounds of adultery over your far as filing bigamy case is concerned you need to have solid proofs like marriage invitation, photographs of marriage ceremony being conducted and eye witness etc.if your husband is not providing you maintenance which the court had ordered file  execution petition in the court and even if he shows he is jobleess he is bound to pay you maintenance

whatnot   30 January 2017

despite it infuriates that he can get away scot free with whatever he does, the fact of the matter is there is little you can do unless you are ready to spend your prime time running behind various courts and waste your valuable time.

Being away, he has advantage at least until now.


Suggestion is deny all his claim and get separated.


There will be better world for you beyond him.

Slowly but surely you will raise and be happy.


No point in teaching a lesson if he doesn't understand value of same.


Live by letting go.


Munni   30 January 2017

Dear Sarananan,

Thank you for your message.. Actaully till date it is very difficult to prove till date.. As per information I received he declared that that he rented a whole flat and sublet to one girl (by that process he is in relation with him).. he is not doing any pen and paper marriage or any ceremony..Thats why I am getting hard time that to he is abroad and I am in India..

Both of them are working and just travelling together outside as friend.. he is very claver enough to play all and he is taking suggestion from lawerer and acting accordingly.. recently I found that he is trying to change citizenship too...

I am running through very hard time now..


Please suggest on my leow query,


I am just part time working near by home in daily wage basis and just a small money.. now he is playing and understodd that he is working in a private company where he did some adjustment and showing very little salary and showing to court on his past loan and many expences..His intension not to give me money and simply lenthering the case, going higher court, supreme court etc..


Recently he is coming up that I should work in a NGO or orphan age and he want to pay very little money to that organization from where I should get salary..and simply he is parents cannot support for my expences and how can I survive now?


Tactfully he put resignation later many time and quickly he put proff in court that he he jobless..he is a playing master..How to deal with this type of matter?


I heard that he already keeping another lady in Dubai but he dont keep mariage certifiate with him (no document proff)..this information got through friend..he is staying with that girl..How to proove this on court?




Munni   30 January 2017

Dear Sir,

I agree with you for going for 498 and DV case..that thing also I am getting advice from my advisor..

However, just to recall my case...I got married in 2010 and stayed only for 6 months in Dubai..afetr that we are separated..

Just to curious about India system, I read many posting in lawersclubindia, where lot of back and forther with no real punishment...

About my case:

all incident happened during that period and I did not file any such case and just to check how about the depth and will find justice after filing the case after so long separation...I want to see that he should get punishment, not that I should go around court and at last comeout with nothing...


All this I can put now in verbally, I dont have any proof..I cannot get a single evinace to prove that in Dubai he was torturing me..


Please suggest me ..


Originally posted by : Munni
Dear Sir,

I agree with you for going for 498 and DV case..that thing also I am getting advice from my advisor..

However, just to recall my case...I got married in 2010 and stayed only for 6 months in Dubai..afetr that we are separated..

Just to curious about India system, I read many posting in lawersclubindia, where lot of back and forther with no real punishment...

About my case:

all incident happened during that period and I did not file any such case and just to check how about the depth and will find justice after filing the case after so long separation...I want to see that he should get punishment, not that I should go around court and at last comeout with nothing...


All this I can put now in verbally, I dont have any proof..I cannot get a single evinace to prove that in Dubai he was torturing me..


Please suggest me ..


Few pointers for you,


YOu file these cases, they will run like mega serial.  They wont get over.

But these are all false.  You catch hold of good advocate, who can get things done fast, your case will move fast.

Few people will suggest you wont get alimony your husband will play tricks, for that also main person who can get you justice is good advocate.

Contact seasoned advocate for all this.


Another thing is you will have to spend money on advocate till your case is over.

Finally if he does not want you, what is point in simply pursuing this matter.  Alimony you can get, if he does not pay alimony his property will be siezed and given to you.

But you think of future also.

Start matrimonial search would be my advice.  If he comes for settlement of MCD, take one time alimony and get rid of him.

Time and tide wait for none.

1 Like

Munni   30 January 2017

Dear Helping Hand,

Thank you very much for your constructive suggestion..

Actually I am already a bit of tired on Indian court system..its simply going on..

Your point: Alimony you can get, if he does not pay alimony his property will be siezed and given to you.
Just to reply to your point that, recently he is playing in such a way that its cannot imagine..

He stay in abroad, India all his property already sold out.. From my query in dubai he is not keeping any money in his name..that to he is holding many loan in Dubai and simply showing in court that he has this loan, that loan..He has tieup with his employer and inhand salary is very low and I suspect he is keeping his money in offshore account..

I tried to consult many consultant in India to get his account detail for his offshore account detail, but its not so easy...

Now how to deal on this? I am in very much dillema with this type of champian husband?

I am realy helpless now..


A walk alone (-)     01 February 2017

Filing DV,498a are wastage of time and money with zero result. If you want only maintenance then file crpc125. if your husband is not providing you maintenance which the court had ordered file execution petition in the court and even if he shows he is jobleess he is bound to pay you maintenance. Dnt file adultery case without solid evidence. Try MCD if possible it's a best solution.

Munni   01 February 2017

Dear Walk Alone,

I reviewed many cases and people tell many things but I am already fedup on Indian system.. I shiuld think properly and take proper decision..

Thank you a lot..


By the way any suggestion to my listed query?

stanley (Freedom)     07 February 2017

Hi Chuni Munni , 

Why did you not file an FIR when all these things happened in duabi while you were abroad . If incidents have happened over there than court of jurdiction would be dubai but they dont have anything like domestic violence over there . whats the point in loving ome one who does not love you and is not even truthfull to you . Let go and give divorce which better than being bitten every day by a mad dog ..

So your issue is  maintenance . its difficult if he does not have any fixed assests. As you are also employed it is difficult for you to get maintenance . .Alternatively its is best you catch another boy and get married to him rather than dancing around indian courts you would spend another  6-7 years. Till than your hair would turn grey and your beauty would fade away and than you may get a very old man to get married too .so think sharply and widely with wisdom how to go on in life . 

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