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Mayur Patel (Job)     01 March 2022

Deed of rectification for registered sale deed for property purchased through an auction sarfaesi

I purchased a property (NA factory land and buildings) from Bank of Baroda through an auction under SARFAESI.

1. Sale deed was registered by authorised officer signatory of Bank of Baroda (seller) and myself (purchaser)
2. I purchased the property at the sale price of highest bid submitted in the auction x amount
3. Due to mistake of our advocate who drafted the sale deed, built-up area was wrongly typed 2286 sq.mtrs instead of 1124 sq.mtrs.
4. Registrar office calculated and demanded stamp duty as per area mentioned in sale deed (2286 sq.mtrs). This demanded stamp duty is much higher that as calculated on sale price in auction.
5. Should I get built-up area corrected in principal sale deed by registration of deed of Rectification by authorised officer of bank of Baroda and myself even if there is a fair chance that honerable court may provide judgement in my favour to pay stamp duty only on sale price?
6. Will deed of rectification if registered cause any complications or challenge in future in any manner regarding my title, ownership, rights on property or other for selling the property, renting, leasing or to get loan?
7. Should we register deed of Rectification (for correction in built-up area) or not? As if stamp duty is to be paid on sale price in auction, built-up area mistake will not impact on stamp duty calculation.
8. Is deed of rectification perfectly valid in case of sale deed for a property purchased through an auction under SARFAESI?


 4 Replies

Shashi Dhara   01 March 2022

File civil suit and rectify it.

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SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     01 March 2022


If bank is ready for rectification then register the rectification deed in sub registrar office. 

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Mayur Patel (Job)     01 March 2022

To file a civil suit and rectify is better way or registering deed of rectification by authorised officer of the bank and myself???

Or if should leave it as it is without rectification in built-up area mistake as stamp duty is not to be changed as I purchased from public Auction.

Shashi Dhara   02 March 2022

Bring it to knowledge of bank to rectify if they refuse issue legal notice .file civil suit to rectification of deed.

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