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Sridhar V Sridhar (Employee)     09 November 2015

How to make the single registration into joint

Parents bought a plot and registered on the name of their elder son by that time.  They have only two sons.  Now they want to distribute the same property equally among the tow sons.  What is the best way to do so with minimal cost?


 2 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     10 November 2015

If the parents bought the property in the name of their elder son with the huf amount, and if it is noted in the sale deed, then the property may be divided or gifted as they wish.  otherwise the elder brother has to be executed a gift deed in favour of his family members.  The cost of the both the documents has to be with minimum duty

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Sridhar V Sridhar (Employee)     12 November 2015

What is the difference between Sale deed registration or gift deed registration in legal view?

Whether the person or his legal heirs, who gave a property gift, have any right to revoke the gift given in earlier?

What is the drawbacks of gift deed registration?

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