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Registration for GOV.IN domain

jyoti        Guest
Last updated: 13 March 2009
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Registration for GOV.IN domain

The new Internet Domain Name Policy of the Government of India states that the Domain Name Registration for all GOV.IN country level domains shall be done exclusively by the authorised registrar for the same, i.e National Informatics Centre (NIC).GOV.IN will be reserved for registering domain names for all the Government Departments/Institutions/ Organisations at various levels right from the Central Government, the States & Union Territories, to the Districts, Blocks and Panchayats.

The detailed procedure regarding the registration of 'GOV.IN' Domain Names has been provided by NIC on a website specially created for this purpose at (External website that opens in a new window). To evade any sort of inconvenience, the website provides an option to check the availability of the desired Domain Name, thereby squashing any chances of a clash between similar Domain Names.

To register a Gov.In Domain Name online (External website that opens in a new window), click here.

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