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Articles by SANJAY DIXIT

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  SANJAY DIXIT   19 July 2024 at 17:00

Hoc annoOrigination: A phrase of Latin origin.Meaning: "this year"Explanation: A phrase used to describe the current year or the year being discussed in a specific context.Usage in a sentence: I have to get a job hoc anno.Hoc locoOrigination: A phras ..

Posted in Others |   290 Views


  SANJAY DIXIT   19 July 2024 at 17:00

Ab imo pectoreOrigination: A quote that is mostly used by Romans. Said to have been first used by Julius Caesar.Meaning: “from the bottom of my heart”, “with deepest affection”, or “sincerely”Explanation: This quot ..

Posted in Others |   93 Views

Lok Sabha versus Rajya Sabha

  SANJAY DIXIT   25 March 2009 at 08:11

Money Bills originate only in the Lok Sabha. If a dispute arises as to whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the decision of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is final. Rajya Sabha has no power to reject a Money Bill. It can only make recommendations, ie, su ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   1731 Views


  SANJAY DIXIT   24 July 2008 at 23:15

GuarantorsINTRODUCTION:Financial institutions may require guarantees to enhance the credit standingof prospective borrowers, thus enabling them to obtain financing.Many people think that a guarantor gives a reference of the good characterof the borro ..

Posted in Corporate Law |   2264 Views

Corpus Delicti

  SANJAY DIXIT   17 June 2008 at 17:45

Corpus Delicti meaning, relevance of Burden of proof in scene of crime, Burden of proof in Forensic Science- Corpus Delicti, Establishment of Corpus Delicti, Evidence in Forensic Science, Circumstantial evidence – Burden of Proof vis-à-vis Corpus Delicti ..

Posted in Students |   9916 Views

The Right to Speedy Trial

  SANJAY DIXIT   17 June 2008 at 17:45

The Right to Speedy TrialIN A judgment with profound implication, the apex court has positively reiterated that just and reasonable procedure implicit in Article 21 of the Constitution creates a right in the accused to be tried speedily. The right to ..

Posted in Others  1 comments |   2283 Views


  SANJAY DIXIT   29 May 2008 at 23:31

MANDATORY POINTS TO BE CHECKEDBEFORE FILING THE S.L.P. 1. SLP(Civil) shall be filed in Form No.28 with Certificate as per Notification dated 17.6.1997.2. Certified copy of the impugned judgment shall be filed and if certified copy is not available, a ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   2497 Views

The Right to Speedy Trial

  SANJAY DIXIT   12 May 2008 at 23:45

The Right to Speedy TrialIN A judgment with profound implication, the apex court has positively reiterated that just and reasonable procedure implicit in Article 21 of the Constitution creates a right in the accused to be tried speedily. The right to ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   4072 Views


  SANJAY DIXIT   21 March 2008 at 16:21

SELF HELP THROUGH CONSUMER PROTECTION Dr. Sheetal Kapoor**“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work - he is the purpose of it. We are not doing ..

Posted in Civil Law |   3813 Views

Settlement deed made simple

  SANJAY DIXIT   20 March 2008 at 14:37

Settlement deed made simple The execution of Will has its own hassles in identifying a reliable person to be the executor and involves expense, writes C.H.Gopinatha Rao Better Alterantive: Settlement is less expensive than will Photo: H. Satish Imagi ..

Posted in Intellectual Property Rights |   3462 Views
