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Articles by Neeraj Aarora

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NSE Outrage Is it act of Cyber War?

  Neeraj Aarora   12 March 2021 at 09:52

The recent technical glitch or outrage on NSE, by whatever name it is referred, seems to be part of the cyber attack from China or other international hacking groups acting on behest of China. ..

Posted in Others |   305 Views

Aarogya Setu: Is Govt. Data Protector or Violator?

  Neeraj Aarora   10 November 2020 at 10:36

Aarogya Setu: Is Govt. Data Protector or Violator? ..

Posted in Others |   311 Views

Is your partner spying on you?

  Neeraj Aarora   04 November 2020 at 16:52

Is your partner spying on you? ..

Posted in Others  1 comments |   1267 Views

Why Government fears prosecuting Twitter?

  Neeraj Aarora   27 October 2020 at 16:55

Why did the government not file a case against Twitter, Reasons why the government did not ban Twitter, Government did not prosecute Twitter, Why the government was unable to prosecute Twitter ..

Posted in Others |   230 Views

Arbitration Clauses against Public Policy are Unconscionable & Unenforceable: District Court Observed

  Neeraj Aarora   07 October 2020 at 12:19

Arbitration Clauses against Public Policy are Unconscionable & Unenforceable: District Court Observed ..

Posted in Corporate Law |   511 Views

WayBack Machine Move Time Backwards- can we prove it in Court?

  Neeraj Aarora   15 October 2019 at 10:29

The admissibility of website content, pages is a challenging task because of global nature of the internet and also due to the dynamic nature of websites. ..

Posted in Others |   633 Views

Police Can't Invoked IPC if Offence Squarely Falls Under IT Act, 2000

  Neeraj Aarora   03 May 2019 at 15:26

Society is facing the challenges of cyber crimes which are assuming alarming proportions with each passing day. The allegations of rigging in Trump's Election, hacking of Ukraine Power Grid, NASA Research Centre have established that hackers can ..

Posted in Legal Documents |   929 Views

Blocking of TikTok: Is it Workable or Viable?

  Neeraj Aarora   19 April 2019 at 10:56

Recently, on the direction of High Court of Madras, the access to popular video app TikTok was blocked by Google & Apple Play Store�s. The direction to ban the TikTok was given on the ground that it encouraged pornography and made child use ..

Posted in Others  2 comments |   566 Views

Forensic Audit: Preventing the Abuse of Insolvency Code

  Neeraj Aarora   13 November 2017 at 11:38

The significance of forensic audit has gained paramount importance as the corporate debtors are moving for restructuring and bidding themselves for stressed assets. The concern has gained momentum particularly after the Essar Steel & Bhushun Stee ..

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How To Become A Cyber Lawyer

  Neeraj Aarora   26 October 2017 at 12:26

With the evaluation of e-governance and society moving towards digitization, the Information Technology has penetrated in every sphere of life and the profession of law, being no exception, is immensely impacted by it. The proliferation comprises of ..

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