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On repeated query

(Querist) 14 April 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Mr Dhingra, Mr Sudhir Kumar,
It all depends on how you view the things.
Could you kindly advise if it's wrong and can't second opinion be not taken?
And what a querist should do if your opinion is not agreeable to him or
is not correct if he feels??

I am sorry that I differ to you in this matter.
And I think every one is free to have his opinion.

Also I am sorry to say that you never until now answered any query of mine before but for against opinion you are very keen to give.
I object your using word ' stories' as legal professional to my query.

Sorry but it is very hurting to me.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 14 April 2014
Dear Mr. Rakesh, the experts here have already made their points clear and they are quite unanimous in their point of view.

Please appreciate it and do not repeat your query.
We give free advice here and we are at liberty to form our own rules in unanimity.
Dr. Shekhar (Querist) 14 April 2014
Dear Mr Burman,
First of all thanks to your kind help and reply

But my only request is to understand that the query can be repeated by querist
if it is not clear. Even if the view is unanimous or not not unanimous still
it is possible that answer of expert is not very clear and understandable to querist.

In such case the querist is left with no other alternative but to repeat.

I request experts to kindly understand querist instead of making it a very big issue.

I am sorry but please kindly understand the situation that if querist was having such expert knowledge why will he repeat
ajay sethi (Expert) 14 April 2014
if you have any doubts about answers given by experts you are at liberty to seek clarifications on same post . we do submit further clarifications if you are not able to understand out answers . but if you repeat query in another thread we dont reply .

Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 14 April 2014
Yes, this is also made clear to the author earlier.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 14 April 2014
Well advised, agree to it.
Guest (Expert) 14 April 2014
Mr. Rakesh,

Now you have opened a fresh thread instead of using the same thread of your initial query in response of replies of the experts you have posted your fresh views.

Shall I assume that you used a fresh thread just to avoid reply to my question, "if you would prefer to waste your precious time if someone starts telling you a story repeatedly?"

First of all, by posting at some unrelated page, do you expect that we must remember what you asked on some other thread and what was the replies included against that query?

About your query, "Could you kindly advise if it's wrong and can't second opinion be not taken," do you think that mere repetetion without any further elaboration, anyone would make second opinion on exactly the same repeated query?

You may differ with any of us, but why should you expect us to be compelled to reply any repeated query?

About your observation, "you never until now answered any query of mine before," I don't prefer to reply vague, academic queries, or not considered appropriate to be replied by me with one or the other reason. HOWEVER, WHAT I OBSERVED IS YOU POSTED ALMOST ALL OF YOUR QUERIES EREPEATEDLY.

About your reply to Shri Devajyoti, "to kindly understand querist instead of making it a very big issue," it is a matter of commonsense that by verbatim repetition of query the querist cannot be understood properly until he has added some clarification or facts to his earlier query. I WONDER, IF A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL CA THINKS THAT BY REPEATING HIS STORY VERBATIM, THE QUERIST CAN BE UNDERSTOOD PROPERLY!

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 14 April 2014
why onehas to repeat the query:-

(i) if he has not been able to convey his view point.

(ii) if he has not given all the facts in one post

(iii) if experts are not of the level of his IQ that they are not able to understand what he means.

(iv) experts do not have adequate knowledge.

(v) He has not got the advise soothing to his ears and eye.

(vi) he feels that by repeating query another set of persons would advise him.

(VII) advise here is free given by some idle experts who have no other business and just waste their time and energy, private net connect, private electricity and private expenses on increasing grade of spectacles.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 14 April 2014
author and experts above could refer to

ajay sethi (Expert) 14 April 2014
query is resolved

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