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Tripura High Court Issues Guidelines For Effective Investigation In Missing Persons Case

It is definitely a most defining moment and so also a most right step in the most right direction at the most right time that none other than the Tripura High Court has stepped forward to take the missing persons case most seriously and in a learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest oral judgment titled Amulya Bhattacharjee Vs The State of Tripura and 4 Others in WP(C) 324 of 2024 alongwi..

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Mere Association With Dawood Ibrahim Will Not Amount To Terror Gang Membership Under UAPA: Bombay HC

It is definitely in the fitness of things that while displaying pragmatism and rationality, the Bombay High Court in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest judgment titled Parvez Zubair Vaid & Another vs State in Criminal Appeal No. 1138 of 2023 With Criminal Appeal No. 219 of 2024 and cited in Neutral Citation No.: 2024:BHC-AS:28377-DB that was pronounced as recently as on ..

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Hoc anno Origination: A phrase of Latin origin.Meaning: "this year"Explanation: A phrase used to describe the current year or the year being discussed in a specific context.Usage in a sentence: I have to get a job hoc anno. Hoc loco Origination: A phrase ..

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Ab imo pectore Origination: A quote that is mostly used by Romans. Said to have been first used by Julius Caesar. Meaning: “from the bottom of my heart”, “with deepest affection”, or “sincerely” Explanation: This quote is said to have been used..

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Caveat Emptor

KEY TAKEAWAYS 1.  The doctrine of caveat emptor imposes a responsibility on the buyer to scrutinise the product for any defects and ensure that the product they are about to buy fits their requirements.2.  In the past, the seller did not have any responsibility to ensure that their products met a basic standard of quality.3.  With a change in times, the doctrine..

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Judiciary Mcqs Of The Day: Civil Procedure Code, 1908

Q1. In ONGC v Utpal Kumar Basu 1994 what did the supreme court emphasize regarding the purpose of section 21a)    To increase harassment of litigantsb)    To discourage true litigants c)    To protect litigants from harassment and guard their interestsd)    To expedite legal proceedings at the expense of litigant righ..

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Distinguishing Fraud From Misrepresentation

INTRODUCTION Understanding the differences between fraud and misrepresentation in contract law is critical for both legal experts and parties to agreements. Although both notions entail misleading claims that can jeopardize the validity of a contract, they differ dramatically in terms of intent, legal ramifications, and remedies accessible to the injured party. Fraud is purpos..

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The Relationship Between Constitutional And Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION The article delves into the complex relationship between constitutional and criminal law in India. It elucidates the influence of constitutional principles and provisions on criminal law and procedure. It highlights the significant role that the Constitution plays in ensuring justice, fairness, and the protection of fundamental rights within the criminal justice system./..

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The Right To Justice In India: Constitutional Foundations, Implementation Challenges, And Inherent Limitations

 KEY TAKEAWAYS  1. The right to justice in India has penetrated its roots deep in constitutional provisions, particularly Articles..

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FIR Cannot Be Quashed On The Ground Of Non-Holding Of Preliminary Inquiry Into Allegations: MP HC

It is quite vital to note that while ruling on a significant legal point pertaining to the quashing of First Information Report (FIR), the Madhya Pradesh High Court at Jabalpur in a most learned, laudable, landmark, logical and latest judgment titled Abhishek Pandey vs The State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors in Writ Petition No. 14638 of 2024 that was pronounced as recently as on July 8, 2024 has..

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Indian Evidence Act Judgments Case Law Analysis

KEY TAKEAWAYS  •    The Indian Evidence Act of 1872 governs the admissibility of various types of evidence, ensuring fair trials by regulating the proof of facts through oral, documentary, and electronic means under established legal principles.•    The legal cases discussed encompass a wide array of principles under Indian law, including evidenc..

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Role Of Defense Counsel In Indian Criminal Trials

IntroductionIndian judiciary follows an adversarial system of justice, where the prosecution and defense present their cases to an impartial and neutral judge. In this system, the defense counsel plays a crucial role in defying the prosecution's evidence and arguments, cross-examining witnesses, and presenting alternative theories to create reasonable doubt about the defend..

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Consumer Protection & Law: A General Study From India’s Perspective

INTRODUCTIONWhen a consumer buys a product, they are endowed with the basic right to hold the seller accountable for any deficiency in the product that cannot be reasonably foreseen by them. Such a right is necessary to ensure that consumers feel that their voices are  heard and their problems are addressed, something that plays a huge role in ensuring that the economy..

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Judiciary Mcqs Of The Day: Family Law

Q1. A Muslim male cannot marrya)    Wife’s motherb)    Son’s wifec)    Foster sisterd)    All of the above Answer – d) All of the above Explanation - According to Islamic law (Sharia), there are certain categories of women whom a Muslim male cann..

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Judiciary Mcqs Of The Day: Family Law

Q1. A Muslim male cannot marrya)    Wife’s motherb)    Son’s wifec)    Foster sisterd)    All of the above Answer – d) All of the above Explanation - According to Islamic law (Sharia), there are certain categories of women whom a Muslim male ..

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