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  • Justice NV Ramana, Chief Justice of India, on the occasion of legal services day addressed law students at an even organized by National Legal services Authority (NALSA).
  • CJI spoke about the legal aid movement and elaborated on the contribution of legal profession in society.


  • On the occasion of “Legal Services Day” CJI aimed to influence young minds and said that the ‘legal profession is a great career as is not about profit maximization but about service to the society.’
  • Legal Services day is celebrated to mark the day when Legal Authorities Act came into force in 1995 and the journey of achieving the constitutional goal of Access to Justice.
  • He said that choosing to join legal profession will aid in development of empathy, understanding and selflessness.
  • While recalling the history of Legal Aid, Chief Justice Ramana reminded the audience that although the concept of legal aid was institutionalized in 1996, the actual movement was during our freedom struggle when several legal stalwarts used to offer their pro-bono legal services to our freedom fighters and fought against the might of colonial powers.
  • The CJI praised the law students for their involvement in legal aid activities, saying that it will help them grasp grass-root realities. He advised the students to “remain alert about the social realities around you and be mindful about your role in responding to the same.”
  • He pointed out that our constitution also reflects the growth of legal aid movement by expression ‘Justice: social, Economic and political’ present in our preamble.
  • He said that the idea of legal aid Is no longer confined to court rooms and have increased to work towards legal awareness, legal literacy, social action litigation, etc.
  • The CJI praised the launch of Legal Services Application in ios version along with the previous android one. He also praised the fact that more Indian languages were added to the NALSA portal overcoming language barrier. He commended the launching of short film festival on legal awareness.
  • The CJI expressed his thanks to the Union Law mister, Kiran Rijiju for his inclination towards progress of legal services authorities. He expressed the hope the under his leadership the roadblocks in the growth of legal authorities will be removed.
  • The CJI ended his speech by quoting Martin Luther king Jr. and by appreciating the legal services authorities, panel lawyers and the paralegal volunteers for their efforts and dedication to the cause of justice.


  1. Why is Legal Services day celebrated?
  2. How do you think the legal profession helps the needy in the society?

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