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S.B _Kolkata (Service)     23 December 2009

Recent ammendment of 498a

The amendments are on hold due to sustained opposition by some of the beneficiaries of arbitrary arrests, the lawyers. They consider this “anti-lawyer” as they will lose a huge revenue stream due to the cut back in bail applications, once the gazette notification is issued. Regardless, please remember that the CrPC amendment to Section 41, is the codification of Joginder Kumar Vs State of UP, 1994. This judgment clearly states that an arrest is an exception and that an arrest should only be made in heinous crimes and that too only after an investigation and must be justified.

Please clarify the above said ammendment  which will help us a lot to fight against 498a.

Has it already been imposed or amended?

 3 Replies

S.B _Kolkata (Service)     23 December 2009

Has this been notified in the Indian Gazette?I know that it has already received the Presidential nod,but until and unless it comes out in the Gazette,it won’t be a law.

Anish goyal (Advocate)     23 December 2009

It is a law but not yet notified so not enforced yet.

Poonam Upadhyay pathak (Advocate)     23 December 2009

It is not been enforced.

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