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dhruv (other)     14 July 2013

Is proof required to be shown by wife for my conviction?

Wife can file all false allegations to harass husband. This will cause harassment to husband and his family.

But if the husband just fights it out and stands firm does he in the end finally absolved of all charges due to lack of evidence?
 Or is the mere statements of wife against the husband taken as evidence that  husband was indeed harassing her and so husband is conviced in the end if he does not bend before wife unreasonable demands?

I am basically asking whether wife statements alone are enough for conviction of the husband because of some special nature of the 498a and DV act laws? Or for conviction finally the proofs are really necessary?

E.g. I am willing to fight out because there  is no truth in my wife's statements. But in case due to absence of evidence against her statements will I be convicted in the end? (This is a theoretical question)


I.e. another way to put the question? Apart from harassment and temporary police arrest does the wife's statements have any more threat because they are without proof?



 4 Replies

Dr. Jyothi Vishwanath (Associate Professor of Law)     14 July 2013

Evidence is must for conviction. Without evidence, difficult to convict. Due to lack of evidence, chances of conviction are less. But it is always easy for the wife to produce false witnesses regarding this. keep this in mind.   

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Repeat query.  Dhruv, please do not open multiple threads with different titles having same query.

dhruv (other)     15 July 2013

I could not find my query earlier so I thought there was some problem hence asked the question again.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     15 July 2013

the special laws are mostly governed for the harassment and violence muted to her means women by there husband but mostly are false to harass husband if there demand are not fulfilled by husband and the geninue cases are been also kept at false cases here about your query is may be she alleged false charges on you and you have to prove your innocence and even she has to show evidence to prove the charges kept by her is geninue if she cannot prove then the case will be dismissed 

one more thing here most women only to harass husband they keep false cases and finally they case will be dismissed by the mostly husband are the sufferes

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