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chaitanya (Advocate)     01 October 2011

False complaint u/s.498a and domestic violence act

To All,

I have a querry for which I want your esteemed opinion. The facts of the case is like this...

One of my friend who hails from Belgaum District is settled in Bangalore with his wife. His brother is in their native with his wife. The problem is that the sister-in-law and my friend's brother is threatening to file a case against my friend u/s. 498A and Domestic Voilence with intent to take the full share of property.

The question is is there any precouationay remedy to save my friend other than taking a anticipatory bail?   


 3 Replies


How brother and his wife can file 498a on a boy?


Please check the facts or clarify.

Pranav S. Thakkar (advocate)     02 October 2011

Oh man! It is not clear query.

please clear that who is victim? Who is filing complainant?

You will be answered.

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     03 October 2011

Dear Chaitanya

your friend have right to file a complaint against his wife and as well his brother to regarding this matter to concerend police station and alleged them with illigal relationship. feel free to call me on 9953809956

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