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RiyachaudharyRC (student)     09 January 2018

Debt recovery

hi, I want to ask about case relating to debt recovery i.e A huge amount of money taken by X not in lumpsum but regularly and signed on promisory note and had a registered document which is taken on his name and that document is signed by the MR.X and Surety(x's mom(z)) from MRS.X (Y) where the document is a blank one signed by them and took loa whenever they want and after that MR.X not paid single rupee of interest .Now MR&MRS.X got seperated but not yet divorced .So,what am i going to ask is whether MRS.X(Y) Can sue him and what are the legal consequences of it and if MR.X has nothing to pay can we sue Z as Z is surety of MR.X .So , what are the legal consequences?please i'm searching on this case ...thanks in advance


 2 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     12 January 2018

File case against Mf.X to recovery the loan.  consult an experienced local lawyer with relevant material.

RiyachaudharyRC (student)     12 June 2018

Can we sue Z as Z is the surety for MR.X Debt?

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