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preet (sales head)     27 May 2010

false charges threat

hi, i need some assistance if anybody can help.

I got married last june.My mother in law has taken my wife back,saying that she(my wife) is not able to adjust. this happened in december. my wife & my mother in law have signed a letter, stating that they have taken this step willfully. in this span, they went to various people in our caste, & ask them to extort money from us & get the divorce done.but the other people always replied them to help in patching it up. from last one month i am trying to contact my wife, went to several places to get her back,but her mother is not ready to patch up & the inlaws are not allowing me to talk to my wife. in this last month,only once i have spoken to her & through her talk,i felt she might come back,but is getting negative under some pressure. my mother in law has given me dhamki that she will show me what she is ? i'm afraid she doesn't file a false 498a/406 and other possible case just to harrass us? please suggest me what to do now? how to save my family from all these false cases? my wife stays in other state, can they file these false cases over there & do that state police can arrest us?


 1 Replies

Devajyoti Barman (Advocate)     27 May 2010

Yes if your wife wishes she can file a case in her palce of parental adress and set the proceeding rolling on any alleagtion showing the cause of action in that place. The police of one state can definitely arrest the accused person in any state.In these circumstances the husband does not have much option but to bury the hatched albeit digesting the ignomity. However you can take one good step which generally yield good result with regard to granting of bail and maintenance and that is filing a case for restitution of conjugal rights.

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