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Vicky Sharma   01 March 2018

Fraud case against the girl and her family

Want to make a complaint against my gf she cheated on me for past 9 years she is in relationship with me mentally and physically in both way we are married in a home and she has the photos that she deletes in order to save herself and last month of feb i got a news from my one of friend that she is going to marry another guy on 12th march and on 23rd she is engaged with the other guy and on 24th she come to my home and make a pysically realation with me and again she promises that she is going to talk her parents bcse we are both from differnet cast and also she always take the money from me i give her almost 5lakh cash and after fer month she told me that she lost the money and for last 4 or 5 month I need a money for some personal reason and she is saying that I can break all my fd and you can take the money then and I have a back up massage and also in order to make me aggree for all this thing she is sending me nude pics for her so once i get the info that she is going to marry someone I got shockd and angry ao in order to confirm I call her father and he confirm me that true and i call the girl outside and she come and sh*t on my car and when i ask her she is again playing with my mind but I decided that I am going to tell all the truth to her family and I did so her father meet me and say that what we can do so I told him still I am aggree to marry her so he said please talk to the boy and explain to him which I did and he dined tomarry her after listen to me and her parents are agree for our marriage and they send the girl along with me while give both of us blessing but due to some issue with my family they are also not agree while know the truth that the girl is cheating on me and going to marry other guy so she stay to my frds home for a day but i take her on night bcse i don't want to distrub any one so again in my car she try to pysically with me and next day she is again my frd home and suddenly her realtive take her out of my frd home and i dont know after that she is saying that i don't want to marry her so i told her ok let me money back that i spend on you so they say ok and after few weeks i reacive a call from her and she is saying that my family they take the phone from her and they are not allowing her to go outside and she is scared and after that next day when i went to her home to see what they decided i see a lock on her room and after that i get attack by some unkown people in a mrng and when i try to call her sister to see where are they she blocked my number and her father is also not picking the phone some one told me that they goes to thier village and i call her village family people and they are saying that she is not there and i try to call her family member to see why they are hiding and i am scared wheter that girl is alive or not please tell me that i can register a case against her i don't have a proff that i give her money 5 lakh bcse its a hard cash bcse she need a cash so i give to her and their some more personl things that i cannot share over the internet so any one is their to help me to get my money back and give me some better suggestion so please let me know asap bcse i think they are going to marry her asap to someone


 46 Replies

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     02 March 2018

Try to meet his wouldbe husband and tell him the complete story of the girl he's going to marry to save that poor fellow being cheated by the girl and her parents. Save an innocent life, now that should be your motto of life, rest whatever you lost is gone that may not come back to you but atleast do some good deed now.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     02 March 2018

Have you advanced the money as a loan or on compassion ?

What do you wish to do now, when the girl is not interested ?

Now that everything is over, learn lessons and forget about the money,

Never spoil other's relationship and let by gone, gone.

If you have helped selflessly, believe me that amount will come back to you in other way.

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

i want to teach her and her family a lesson so they cannot play with any one life again

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

i already learn the lesson but she have to learn the same lesson

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

sir she spoil my life and now she is ready to spoil someone else life

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

i helped her selfless but she missuesd me

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

5 lakh i can forget easily

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

but i give her a gold chain and then she used me as a atm to swap everywhere

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

apart from that i spend on her almost 3.5 lakh

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

she is the one who accident my car while forcly told me that she want to drive my car and by god i am alive at any how

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

sir i want the revange she spoil my life

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

she break my trust

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

and i have all the proff now that she married me and we have a pics and she delete but somehow i got a one pic and she is also pregrant and she do the abotion without my permission she kill my 6month baby and i dont know how her family member they dont know this thing

Vicky Sharma   02 March 2018

6 month pregrant lady any one can findout easily

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