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Details of Act >>
Identification of Prisoners Act,1920
(Act 33 of 1920)
Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act,1983
(Act 39 of 1983)
Immigrants (Expulsion from Assam) Act,1950
(Act 10 of 1950)
Immigration (Carriers’ Liability) Act,2000
(Act 52 of 2000)
Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act,1956
(Act 104 of 1956)
Imperial Library (Change of Name) Act,1948
(Act 51 of 1948)
Improvements in Towns,1850
(Act 26 of 1850)
Inchek Tyres Limited and National Rubber Manufacturers Limited (Nationalisation) Act,1984
(Act 17 of 1984)
Income-tax Act,1961
(Act 43 of 1961)
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act,1986
(Act 60 of 1986)
Indian Bar Councils Act,1926
(Act 38 of 1926)
Indian Bills of Lading Act,1856
(Act 9 of 1856)
Indian Boilers Act,1923
(Act 5 of 1923)
Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act,1925
(Act 26 of 1925)
Indian Christian Marriage Act,1872
(Act 15 of 1872)
Indian Contract Act,1872
(Act 9 of 1872)
Indian Copper Corporation (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act,1972
(Act 58 of 1972)
Indian Council of World Affairs Act,2001
(Act 29 of 2001)
Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act,1908
(Act 14 of 1908)
Indian Easements Act,1882
(Act 5 of 1882)