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I blame you for whatever may be the reason, AND you counter blame me on one or the other MATTER... that continue till we both join hands with each other.

1) The eye opener for India’s systematized selective movement towards corrupt practices has already got published in the Santhanam committee report, maybe,  some five decades earlier, which we sincerely appreciate the boldness of the persons in the COMMITTEE... the same point of lead stones are still going strong but with more cautious endeavours under the guise of WCC... White collar crime, slowly but steadily like that of cancer.

THE PHENOMENON of IMAP, influence, money, authority, power politics, connection system server continue to wet the government officials, may be to include the banking sectors, private company's interluders and so many.

As long as honesty and trust with integrity comes from within the person whoever is having rights and access to handle the situation, nothing notable can be achieved...raids and punitive action on persons caught may go on...

2) in the other side, it is seen, even in the nonprofit organizations with organized help the other needy moto. Associations, federations, including retired and pensioner’s organizations, power politics are found to have been generated for posts like the president, general secretary, treasurer, org. secretary.

Here, I feel, let them have their own conscious consideration, satisfaction of age factor, if they are beyond 70s, however, may be their mindset strong enough to determine the amount of working system in the organisation's workloads, let them boldly come forward to extend service as advisors, without leaning towards high profile posts like president, general secretary, secretary-general, treasurer.

My feelings, they can be like advisors without touching office bearers post. Give a change in the overambitious mind thought brought on through greedy for possible power positioning.

Being a part of Constitutional guarantee, no imagery Ordinance or Law can stop them from Controlling or otherwise CONTAIN SUCH CLAUSES in restraining the old super senior citizens from the contest in any ORGANISATION Body, or otherwise in general election in the country.

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