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ballot is a device used to cast votes in an election in democratic countries. An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office.

The central government has issued a notification amending rule 23 of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, enabling service voters, including armed forces personnel, to cast their vote in elections through an e-postal ballot. Through this move, the government has accepted a long-pending demand which will save valuable time.

This would mean that service voters, including personnel from armed forces, can now download the blank post ballot sent to them electronically, mark their preference and post the filled-up ballot back to their respective returning officers. This would cut short the delay experienced in the present system of two-way transmission of ballot paper by the postal services, a government notification said, adding that two-way electronic transmission has not been recommended by the Election Commission for security and secrecy reasons.

The armed forces personnel serving in remote and border areas would be greatly benefited since the present system of two-way transmission of ballot paper by the postal services has not been able to meet the expectations of the service voters. The bar council of India also must think about their elections through an e-postal ballot.

"The government has issued a notification on October 21, amending rule 23 of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 enabling service voters, including armed forces personnel, to cast their vote in elections through an e-postal ballot.

The issue had also come up before the Supreme Court where it was pleaded that an effective mechanism is created for armed forces personnel and their families to exercise their right to vote easily and effectively.

The government had approached the Election Commission to help mitigate the difficulties faced by service voters while exercising their franchise.

The technical team of the Election Commission has developed a system whereby a blank postal ballot could be electronically transmitted to the voter. 

The commission had proposed that more categories of voters be made eligible for e-postal ballot system.

However, on a pilot basis, e-postal ballot system has been introduced for service voters consisting of armed police forces of the central government, other forces subject to the provisions of the Army Act, armed forces of a state serving outside that state, and those employed under the government of India in a post outside India.

One-way electronic transmission of the blank postal ballot would considerably cut short the delay in receipt of the marked postal ballot by the Returning Officers on or before the date fixed for counting of votes.

Most of the lawyers are attending several courts in difference places on the elections day for their routine courts works for their professional services to their clientile. There will not be any disturbance for court works also if e-postal ballot elections system introduce. Paper work may be reduced and cost of elections also may be cut to some extent. Since all lawyer votes are well educated and well understanding about the situations in our country to save money and nature.

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