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  1. Establishment of Specialized Jurisdiction: The Commercial Courts Act of 2015 introduced a specialized jurisdiction to handle commercial disputes, with a focus on expediting the resolution of cases related to commerce.
  2. Territorial Jurisdiction: The jurisdiction of commercial courts extends to cover commercial disputes arising from the entire territory of a state ensuring a comprehensive approach to addressing business-related legal matters.
  3. Applicability of Code of Civil Procedure 1908: The Commercial Courts Act incorporates provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, including sections 16,17,18, and 20, to govern the procedural aspects of commercial disputes.
  4. High Courts’ Commercial Divisions: High Courts have commercial divisions with original civil jurisdiction, providing a higher judicial forum for commercial disputes, and ensuring a nuanced understanding of complex business matters.
  5. Commercial Appellate Division: Appeals from orders of Commercial Courts are heard by the Commercial Appellate Division, emphasizing a structured appellate process within the commercial justice system.
  6. Case Management and Early Hearing: The Commercial Courts Act encourages case management, emphasizing an early hearing adjudication, and demonstrating a proactive approach to expedite the resolution of commercial cases.
  7. Summary Judgment provision: The Act introduces a provision for summary judgment, allowing commercial courts to render quick decisions in certain cases, streamlining the judicial process for efficiency.
  8. 2018 Amendment and Time-Bound Procedures: The 2018 amendment brought further changes, emphasizing time-bound procedures, ensuring that the resolution of commercial disputes occurs within stipulated timelines, and reducing delays in the legal process.


Commercial disputes, as defined by the Commercial Courts Act 2015, encapsulate a diverse array of conflicts stemming from the intricate web of contemporary commerce. These disputes span routine transactions among merchants, international trade intricacies, maritime and aerospace dealings, intellectual property conflicts, and various other facets of business interactions. The Act’s comprehensive approach ensures that commercial courts are equipped to address the multifaceted challenges arising in the dynamic landscape of commercial relationships.

Considering the intricate nature of commercial disputes and their far-reaching consequences on both local and global business landscapes, the creation of commercial courts assumes critical importance. These courts are meticulously crafted to offer specialized adjudication, acknowledging the unique characteristics of contemporary business dealings. They aim to provide robust resolution mechanisms, fostering a commercial justice system that is not only equitable but also operates with efficiency and dependability.


In the realm of legal proceedings, Commercial courts stand as dedicated tribunals crafted to address the intricate tapestry of commercial disputes with precision and efficiency. Established under the Commercial Courts Act 2015, these specialized courts operate at both the district and High Court levels, strategically positioned to handle disputes with a specified value, initially set at one crore rupees. However, noteworthy developments came in the form of an ordinance, lowering this threshold to three lakh rupees.

The inception of commercial courts finds its roots in the acknowledgment of a pressing issue within the judicial system – the burgeoning backlog of cases. Over time, both the Law Commission and Parliamentary Standing Committees highlighted the necessity for a legal framework specifically tailored for high-value commercial disputes. Recognizing the intricate nature of such cases and their substantial impact on economic growth and foreign investments, recommendations were put forth to institute specialized commercial courts. In response to these imperatives, the Commercial Courts Act 2015 emerged, signalling a transformative paradigm in the adjudication of commercial litigation.

The jurisdiction of commercial courts is defined by the pecuniary value of the dispute and extends to an array of commercial matters, ranging from routine business transactions to intellectual property conflicts. Empowering these courts with the authority to adjudicate, the Act places a significant emphasis on specialized expertise, acknowledging the intricate dynamics inherent in commercial relationships. Ongoing discussions and amendments have sparked debates regarding the optimal pecuniary threshold. While there is a consideration to enhance access to justice for a wider array of cases, it brings forth concerns about potentially compromising the prioritization of higher-value disputes in the process.


Operating under the procedural guidelines of the Code of Civil Procedure, commercial courts follow a structured approach aimed at expediting the resolution process. The Commercial Courts Act introduces provisions for case management, early hearings, and summary judgments, emphasizing efficiency in dealing with commercial disputes. Additionally, the Act extends its purview to the establishment of commercial divisions within high courts, further enriching the legal landscape dedicated to resolving intricate business conflicts.

Commercial courts signify a crucial evolution in the judicial framework, providing a specialized platform for the expeditious and nuanced resolution of commercial disputes. This is vital for creating an environment conducive to the flourishing of businesses.


The jurisdiction of commercial courts, as defined by the Commercial Courts Act 2015, is a pivotal aspect shaping their role in the Indian legal landscape. Encompassing a range of elements, the jurisdiction of these specialized courts is tailored to address the unique nature of commercial disputes and ensure effective resolution. The following is an exploration of the key facets of the jurisdiction of commercial courts:

  1. Adjudication of commercial disputes: the primary function of commercial courts is to adjudicate disputes falling under the broad spectrum of commercial matters. These disputes encompass a wide array of transactions, contracts, and business-related conflicts.
  2. Jurisdiction Based on pecuniary value: Commercial courts exercise jurisdiction determined by the pecuniary value of the dispute, as outlined in the Commercial Courts Act. The initial threshold, set at one crore rupees, has undergone amendments, establishing a framework for defining the court’s jurisdiction based on the monetary value of the dispute.
  3. Handling Intellectual Property Disputes: The scope of commercial disputes includes matters related to intellectual property, such as trademarks, copyrights, patents, and more. The Commercial Courts Act recognizes the importance of resolving intellectual property disputes, covering trademarks, copyrights, patents, domain names, geographical indications, and semiconductor integrated circuits. This highlights the Act’s broad scope in addressing various commercial issues.
  4. Establishment of Commercial Divisions in High Courts: the Act allows for the creation of commercial divisions within high courts, providing an elevated platform for handling commercial matters. This enables the utilization of specialized knowledge and resources at an elevated judicial level.
  5. Provisions for Case Management: Recognizing the need for efficiency, the Commercial Courts Act introduces case management provisions. This includes early hearings and a structured approach to case resolution, aiming for a swift and streamlined legal process.
  6. Summary Judgment Mechanism: Commercial courts possess the authority to issue summary judgments, a procedural mechanism aimed at expediting case resolution. This approach enables the court to reach swift decisions, contributing to the overall efficiency of the dispute resolution process.
  7. Specialized Expertise: The Act emphasizes the importance of specialized expertise in handling commercial disputes. This acknowledgment emphasizes the intricacy of these issues and the necessity for judges with a nuanced comprehension of commercial complexities.
  8. Mediation for Non-Urgent Cases: For non-urgent cases, the Act mandates compulsory mediation before proceeding with litigation. This reflects an effort to explore alternative dispute-resolution mechanisms and alleviate the burden on judicial disputes.
  9. Appeals to Commercial Appellate Divisions: The Act establishes Commercial Appellate Divisions to hear appeals from orders of Commercial Courts. This ensures a hierarchical appellate structure specifically tailored to address commercial disputes.
  10. Time-Bound Procedures: The Commercial Courts Act introduces time-bound procedures for filing pleadings and recording evidence. This is aimed at expediting the overall legal process and reducing delays in the resolution of commercial cases.

In essence, the jurisdiction of commercial courts constitutes a nuanced and multifaceted framework that aligns with the specialized nature of commercial disputes. Addressing territorial and pecuniary considerations, along with encompassing intellectual property matters, this jurisdictional scope is intricately designed to offer a tailored and efficient mechanism for resolving a diverse range of commercial conflicts.


The 2018 amendment to the Commercial Courts Act ushered in notable modifications to the jurisdiction of commercial courts, with the goal of improving efficiency and addressing the evolving dynamics in the legal landscape. The following are the principal changes introduced by the amendment:

  • Pecuniary Jurisdiction Modification: The amendment provides the flexibility to adjust the pecuniary jurisdiction of commercial courts. While the Commercial Courts Act 2015 set the threshold at one crore rupees, the amendment allows for the alterations to this limit. The intent is to align the pecuniary jurisdiction with economic considerations, fostering adaptability.
  • Empowerment of State Governments: The amendment grants authority to state governments to define the monetary threshold for commercial disputes within their respective jurisdictions. This provision enables a more tailored approach, considering regional economic differences and the specific nature of disputes prevalent in particular areas.
  • Amendment to section 12: The amendment brings modifications to section 12 of the Commercial Courts Act 2015, underscoring the involvement of the Central Government in officially specifying the monetary threshold for commercial disputes. This modification clarifies the process and entities involved in determining the jurisdictional threshold.
  • Retroactive application: The retroactive effectiveness of the amendment is applicable as of 3rd May 2018. This implies that the alterations in pecuniary jurisdiction, outlined by the amendment, are retroactively applied from the mentioned date. It brings uniformity in addressing cases initiated before and after the amendment’s enactment.
  • Enhanced Flexibility in Jurisdictional Designation: The amendment grants increased flexibility to state governments is establishing the monetary threshold, ensuring that the jurisdictional limits are adaptable to economic changes and evolving legal requirements. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining relevance and effectiveness in addressing commercial disputes.
  • Strengthening Commercial Courts’ Role: By allowing for adjustments in pecuniary jurisdiction, the amendment reinforces the role of commercial courts in addressing a wide spectrum of disputes, from lower to higher values. This ensures that commercial courts can effectively handle diverse cases, contributing to overall objective of timely and specialized resolution.
  • Impact on Dispute Resolution Landscape: The changes introduced by the amendment impact the broader dispute resolution landscape by aligning jurisdictional thresholds with economic realities. This adaptability reflects a proactive approach to addressing the challenges posed by commercial disputes and the need for a responsive legal framework.


Commercial Courts hold a crucial position in the legal domain, particularly when it comes to resolving disputes arising in commercial activities. The pivotal factor determining the jurisdiction of these courts is the pecuniary value associated with the dispute, initially set at one crore rupees by the Commercial Courts Act 2015. This threshold was established in acknowledgment of the specialized recommendations from the Law Commission and Parliamentary Standing Committees.

However, the landscape witnessed a significant shift with the introduction of the Commercial Courts (Amendment) Act 2018, reducing the pecuniary threshold to three lakh rupees. This change raised the concerns about potential repercussions, with critics emphasizing the risk of overburdening the system and diverting attention from higher-value disputes. In essence, the jurisdiction of commercial courts had undergone dynamic transformations, reflecting the ongoing discourse on striking a balance between accessibility and efficiency in the justice system. The intricate nature of commercial relationships and the far-reaching economic consequences of such disputes continue to shape and redefine the contours of commercial court jurisdiction.  

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