What is a Marriage Certificate and Why is it Needed? A Marriage Certificate is the proof of registration of a marriage. The need for a Marriage Certificate arises in case you need to prove that you are legally married to someone, for purposes like ob ..
Harmonisation of copyright regulation in recent years has overly “focussed on securing rightsholders’ ability to benefit from new modes of exploitation and business models” and has primarily served “the interests of copyright exporting countries.” Th ..
What is a Birth Certificate and Why is it Essential?A Birth Certificate is the most important identity document that makes it possible for anyone in possession of it to benefit from a gamut of services offered by the Indian Government to its citizen ..
For every constituency, there is a list of voters that is called the Electoral Roll. To be able to exercise your vote, your name must be in the Electoral Roll of the area of your residence. According to Article 326 of the Constitution and Sec. 19 of ..
10 simple tips to lower your tax bill There’s nothing more demoralizing than watching your income get slashed by taxes. After all, it’s your hard-earned money, and you won’t like it go for whatever cause that may be. However, you can’t do much to avo ..
Attention is drawn to Supreme Court's recent decision in Zoroastrian Coop. Housing case1 (referred to hereinafter as the ZCHS case) wherein the Court considered a private arrangement incorporating a restrictive covenant on the basis of religion. The ..
Pharmaceutical stocks have been rallying of late, buoyed by news of richly priced mergers, including Roche's $44 billion bid for Genentech (DNA) on July 21 and the $7 billion offer by generic drugmaker Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (TEVA), a few day ..
The administration of criminal law and justice requires complete refurbishing. Recent years have been a growing urge for improving the state of affairs in this domain. There is no gainsaying that problematic issues requiring thoughtful research have ..
GuarantorsINTRODUCTION:Financial institutions may require guarantees to enhance the credit standingof prospective borrowers, thus enabling them to obtain financing.Many people think that a guarantor gives a reference of the good characterof the borro ..
Provisions relating Right to Health: An International Scenario Good health, free from disease, is not only the very foundation for a healthy life, but equally recognized as a human right and a constitutional fundamental. Health, being one of the esse ..