This is very unfortunate we the native since last four decades are facing hostilities, bomb blast and firing. Many innocent civilians have become the victims of this contemptible acts. Since the day of independence India has been facing the proble ..
This is very unfortunate we the native since last four decades are facing hostilities, bomb blast and firing. Many innocent civilians have become the victims of this contemptible acts. Since the day of independence India has been facing the proble ..
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE HON’BLE FINANCE MINISTER, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, NEW DELHI FOR HIS PERUSAL AND IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION. Respected Sir I am an Advocate, practising in Chennai, mainly on Indirect Issues. I wish to bring it to your knowled ..
The Ethics Of Dna PatentingAnurag Dwivedik Austubh AnshurajIntroduction The Study Of Biology Was Radically Transformed By The Discovery Of The Double Helical Structure Of Dna, Which Is The Genetic Material Of Living Organisms . Since Then, Scientists ..
By K.Prakash Babu, Advocate The Honourable Supreme Court has pronounced its decision in the case of M/S. Sandur Micro Circuits VS Commissioner of Central Excise, Belgaum vide citation No:2008 (229) ELT 0641 (SC) that “5. The issue relatin ..
Manufacture of Intermediary goods and using in Exempted Final Product.Many manufacturing industries manufacture some intermediary goods for use in their final products which they ultimately sell to the desirous customers which can be on ..
The existing provisions of the Indian Penal Code and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act are more than enough to handle paedophile cases, feel advocates and activists. “We have ample laws but no fool-proof enforcement ..
Afghanistan continues to struggle to find stability as the increasing Taleban insurgency and refugee problems cast a shadow on advances in education and the economy.Here are some of the facts and figures about the people, economy, health, education a ..
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Many things have changed in the global economy: rapid movement of large amounts of capital, significantly expanded trade in goods and services, and also more cross-border movement of people, espe ..
I do not believe in a personal God. I believe in Dhamma, the law of nature and destiny. As Buddha has said, there is a chain of conditioned arising from a relationship between cause and effect.The national emblem of our country has the Ashoka Chakra. ..