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It is a common perception that if you want to get into Litigation, it will take minimum of 5 years for you to establish yourself. The prima-facie argument for this is learning the court proceedings and the technicality involved is a time consuming process. The advocate under whom you would practice might spend a significant amount of time to train you and while he is at it, you are likely to not earn as much as your peers.

Is there a way that you can turn this around?

Can you be successful without having to go through this timeline?

Can you create a great first impression while your peers struggle with the basics?

Can you start your independent practice right out of law school?

Turns out you can. Many young lawyers do it already. Here is how.

iPleaders presents Certificate Course in Criminal Law, Litigation and Trial Advocacy in association with NUJS. This certificate course is designed in a way to provide you practical insights and legal know-how to make a mark while being a beginner at criminal litigation.

Imagine the likelihood of being successful when you are already ahead of everyone at your workplace due to prior preparation, especially in an ultra competitive and combative field like criminal law practice. How would you like a powerful start to your litigation career?

This course is developed especially to lay down a strong foundation for criminal law practice for aspiring criminal lawyers and it is created by the experienced and renowned lawyers.

If you are someone who all the more cannot work under someone, this course will also help you on how to set-up, manage and excel at your own practice. Apart from the trial, you will also learn various other aspects like client counselling, cross examination, drafting critical documents, initiate a PIL and various other skills which are crucial to become successful while practicing law. Along with all of this, you also get the brand name and certification from NUJS, which is one of the premier National Law University in India.

About the course

National University has created an online certificate course which aims at creating extraordinary practitioners of criminal litigation. Being the first of its kind, the course offers insights right from the practicing lawyers. Instead of merely reiterating the provisions of law, the course focuses on ground-level realities and assist you with drafting some of the most crucial documents in the criminal law practice. The course is aimed at dealing with the very basics right from the scratch like court registry, understanding the cause lists, case management, handling client expectation, billing and  litigation strategy etc.

All the aspects of criminal litigation has been covered under the able guidance of experienced litigators (from Trial Courts, High Court as well as Supreme Court), Senior Advocates, Advocates-On-Record and lawyers working in litigation teams of various law firms.

Objective of the course:

Taking up any course is futile if you do not have a clear picture of what will be the end result of taking it up. The objective behind you taking up this course is achieving a fair level of confidence in drafting and filing important documents in connection with a criminal case, conducting criminal trials on your own, and gaining enough expertise to start out as an independent criminal-law practitioner in the court.

Course outline

• Court set up and investigative machinery, and the lawyer's responsibility in connection with them.
• Role of a criminal lawyer in a trial, with special focus on cross-examination and examination technique.
• Drafting of key criminal documents (FIR, complaint, Bail, Protest petition, SLP, etc)
• Case management and litigation strategy.
• Operational aspects in building a criminal practice: Billing, ethics, business development.

Other features of the course

• Learn anytime and anywhere - get 24*7 access on your mobile and tablet devices.
• Interact with faculty which includes experts from the most reputed corporate law firms.
• Get doubts cleared at any time. We have our experts to guide you 24*7.
• Get exciting access to learning material which includes video discussions with the experts, animated videos, study material, compliance checklist, sample documents and agreements, approved applications and a lot more.
• Increase your insights. Be a part of 24*7 discussion.
• Prove your mettle - take up our online tests.
• Get accredited by the top National Law University - NUJS, Kolkata

The course is designed for a period of 120 days.

Course Fee
Rs. 5,000

Where to enroll for the course?
For course information and getting free samples CLICK HERE.

Feel free to contact us on +9111-22212-8901 or email us at

For further details, click HERE.

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Category Others, Other Articles by - Rounak Chaki 
