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The Andhra Pradesh state government is preparing to bring 'Bhudhar' to sort people's landlords on the lines of Aadhaar. Each person must give the Bhudhaar number for each asset as the number is Aadhaar number. Bhudhaar is the 11 digit unique number, there is no more passbook, adangal and pahani. Bhudhar number is given for revenue, registrations, municipal, forest and panchayat areas.

Overseas citizens are often caught in situations where they seek legal advice for property and land disputes in India. This is because Property Fraud is a bane for NRIs who are not able to constantly review the present status of their land and properties in India.  This could involve either travelling to India more, which they are not always able to manage and which can become a mental as well as physical hassle.

There are various stories of their land being illegally occupied or grabbed by people claiming to be relatives or friends or agents. Fake documents for the sale of property are used to carry out fraudulent sales. Forged documents – even Power of Attorney papers – present an obstacle to any NRI trying to take stock of his property, especially if he is interested in the sale of property.

Misuse of the Power Of Attorney documents also leads to property fraud. It is very common to see an NRI being duped with the aid of fraud POA – more often than not, in cases of buying and selling of property NRIs become vulnerable to malpractices because they lack the time, knowledge or support from appropriate property legal service lawyers for these matters.

Forgery of documents like titles deeds or Wills is another reason that NRIs have to undergo this problem of illegal sale of property. Fabrication of property legal documents leads to fraud in the buying and selling of property. It is not uncommon to find that NRIs who can’t travel much to India have been duped of property worth huge amounts for want of awareness about the proper way of making documents and preventing forgery.

Now all these problems or disputes court cases pending can be cleared by Bhudhar number.

Bhudhar number is also assigned to farm land, cities and towns. This Bhudhar number is connected to landlord Aadhaar number. This will no longer result in illegal transactions. The AP government hopes to get the full protection of every asset with Bhudhar. CCLA officials said that the bhooseva software would be able to keep track of land transactions on a regular basis, as well as ensuring that people can check the records using the Bhudhar number using checks.

In future there is no need to run all around the offices and around the banks are to take all the relevant documents to buy space, mortgage or construction. There is no need for those documents anymore. Authorities will check online only if they have a unique number assigned to the revenue department.

The revenue, forest, panchayat raj and municipal properties are covered by private property. First, the survey numbers are allocated to the survey numbers. The project is undertaken as part of this initiative. The software named 'Bhooseva' has been finalized. Recently, the Survey Area Maps (FMB) was digitized.

The Pahani, Adangal and other Revenue Records are connected to Bhudhar by survey numbers. During the registration, this unique number will be made to check all necessary documents. This number is useful for DTCP approvals. Doing so would facilitate document inspections and do not have a calculation.

On the other hand, both the Aadhaar number bio-metric inspection is possible to register the property only if it is okay. There are no possibly fake registrations and double registrations.

The Bhoodar Project will provide services to the public easily. Survey maps are currently being digitized as part of reform in the revenue department. This program is almost complete. Each survey number has been digitized by sub-divisions. Satellite map with high resolution is completed when it is completed. Subsequently, the survey images match the satellite imagery.If the two are correct, the record is supposed to be fair and give a property ID number to that asset. This is called Bhudhar number. These details are preserved in the portable name port.

Each property is a unique number, Connect with FMB maps, there is complete protection for the assets of the people. The Bhudhaar Project as the next step in revenue reforms. People can enter the Bhudhar number in the bhooseva portal and check their property details. Five villages in the zone were selected along with the municipality of Jaggayyapet to implement the Bhoodar Pilot Project.

Each survey number is named after the 'Bhudhar number'. Entering the relevant portals with this number, the relevant survey number details, records, map charts come across the computer screen. The pilot project is expected to be completed by the end of November. After completing the pilot project, then the State will implement this project.

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