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The expression "posts" and "vacancies," often used in the executive instructions providing for reservations, are rather problematical. The word "Post" means an appointment, job, office or employment. A position to which a person is appointed. "Vacancy" means an unoccupied post or office. The plain meaning of the two expressions make it clear that there must be a 'post' in existence to enable the 'vacancy' to occur. The cadre-strength is always measured by the number of posts comprising the cadre. Right to be considered for appointment can only be claimed in respect of a post in a cadre. As consequence the percentage of reservation has to be worked out in relation to the number of post which form the cadre-strength. The concept of 'vacancy has no relevance in operating the percentage of reservation.  - R.K. Sabharwal and others, Petitioners v. State of Punjab AIR1995 SC1371

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Category Labour & Service Law, Other Articles by - Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar 
