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Mussalman Wakf Validating Act,1913

Act No : 6


6 of 1913
7th March, 1913
STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS "The object of this Bill is to remove disability and great hardship that has been created by the recent decisions of the Privy Council in AbdulFataMahomadIshak and others v. Russomoy Dhur Chowdry and others, LR 22 Ind App 76 and other cases. The power of a Mussalman to make a settlement for or in favour of his family, children and descendants or what is known as wakf-alal-aulad to the Mussalman law is paralysed. In the case above cited it was held that under Mussalman Law is perpetual family settlement expressly made as wakf is not legal and valid merely because there is an ultimate gift to the poor and it confirmed the decision in Ashanulla Chowdry v. Amarehand Kundu, reported in LR 17 IndApp 28 the principle of which was approved in a subsequent case of Abdul Gafur v. Nizamuddin LR 19 Ind App 170. where it was laid down that a gift is not good as wakf unless there is a substantial dedication of the property to charitable uses at some period of time or other. The decision does not fix any limit of time, it simply says "some period of time or other". It does not define what is "substantial dedication". Thus it introduces the greatest uncertainty in the law and is generally opposed to the true, principles and correct exposition of the Mussalman jurisprudence.

This Bill is intended only to reproduce the Mussalman law or wakf- alal-aulad In a codified form which (with) certain safeguards for the authenticity of the wakfnama and for prevention of fraud upon creditors or otherwise. It is not intended to codify or define the general law of wakf which must be governed by the Mussalman Law ...... .........".- Gaz. of India, 1911, PartV, page 107.

EXTRACT FROM SELECT COMMITTEE REPORT "We have restricted the provisions of the Bill so as to confine it to a measure specifically declaring the rights of Mussalmans to create wakfs of the character referred to in clause

3. The clauses which deal with the manner in which wakfs may be created and with the registration of deeds creating wakfs have been omitted as they make important changes in the personal law governing Mussalmans and the avowed object of the Bill is not to make any change in this law but to restore it to the position which it is believed by many competent authorities to have occupied prior to the decisions of the Privy Council referred to in the Statement of Objects and Reasons. The omissions of these clauses has made it possible to omit many of the definitions and to shorten the Bill considerably. We have added a clause to make it clear that no wakf is to be deemed to be invalid merely because the ultimate dedication to the poor or other charitable object of a permanent nature is postponed until after the extinction of the family of the person creating the wakf. We have further provided that nothing in the Bill shall affect any sectarian or local custom or usage." -Gaz. of India. 1913, Part V, page 39.

An Act to declare the rights of Mussalmans to make settlements of property by way of "wakf" in favour of their families, children and descendants. WHEREAS doubts have arisen regarding the validity of wakfs created by persons professing the Mussalman faith in favour of themselves, their families, children and descendants and ultimately for the benefit of the poor or for other religious, pious or charitable purposes; and whereas it is expedient to remove such doubts; It is hereby enacted as follows :-


(1) This Act may becalled the Mussalman Wakf Validating Act. 1913.

(2) It extends to the whole of India except2[the territories which, immediately before the 1st November, 1956, were comprised in Part B States].

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