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Indian Ports Act,1908

Act No : 15

Section : Distraint and sale on refusal to pay port-charges.

42. Distraint and sale on refusal to pay port-charges. If the master of any vessel in respect of which any port-dues, fees or other charges are payable under this Act, refuses or neglects to pay the same on demand, the authority appointed to receive such port-dues, fees or other charges may distrain or arrest the vessel, and the tackle, apparel and furniture belonging thereto or any part thereof, and detain the same until the amount due is paid; and in case any part of the port-dues, fees or other charges or of the costs of the distress or arrest or of the keeping of the vessel or other thing distrained or arrested, remains unpaid for the space of five days next after any such distress or arrest, may cause the vessel or other thing distrained or arrested to be sold, and with the proceeds of such sale may satisfy the port-dues, fees or other charges and the costs including the costs of sale remaining unpaid, and shall render the surplus, if any, to the master of the vessel upon demand: 1*[Provided that where such vessel or other thing is already arrested under the order of a court or other authority, the authority appointed to receive port-dues, fees or other charges, may sell the vessel or other thing only with the prior permission of such court or other authority and satisfy the port-dues, fees or other charges and the costs including costs of sale remaining unpaid, and disburse the surplus, if any, in accordance with the orders or directions of such court or other authority: Provided further that the person to whom the vessel or other thing is sold under this section shall be deemed to be the owner thereof and registered as such under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.]

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