Amending Act,1901
Act No : 11
Section :
THE FIRST SCHEDULE CITATION OF ENACTMENTS (See section 2)---------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4Year No. Subject Short title--------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I.--Madras Regulations1802 III A Regulation for receiving, trying The Madras and deciding suits or complaints Administration declared cognizable in the Courts of Estates of Adalat established in the Regulation, several Zillas immediately subject 1802. to the Presidency of Fort St. George. " XIX A Regulation for prohibiting Cove- The Indian nanted Civil Servants of the Civil Service Company employed in the (Madras) Loans administration of justice, Prohibition or the collection of the public Regulation, revenue, lending money to 1802. Zamindars, independent Taluqdars or other actual Proprietors of land, or dependent Taluqdars or Farmers of land, holding farms immediately of Government; or the Underfarmers or Raiyats of the several descriptions of Proprietors and Farmers of land above-mentioned, or their respective sureties." XXV A Regulation for declaring the The Madras proprietary right of lands to Permanent be vested in individual Settlement persons, and for defining the Regulation, rights of such persons, under 1802. the permanent assessment of the land-revenue in the British territories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George." XXVI A Regulation for governing the The Madras sale and sub-division of Land malguzari lands in the British Registration territories subject to the Regulations, Presidency of Fort St.George. 1802." XXIX A Regulation for establishing the The Madras office of Karnam, and defining Karnams the duties of the said office, Regulation, in the British territories 1802. subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George.1803 I A Regulation for defining the The Madras duties of the Board of Board of Revenue, and for determining Revenue the extent of the powers vested Regulation, in the Board of Revenue. 1803." II A Regulation for describing and The Madras determining the conduct to be Collectors observed by Collectors in Regulation, certain cases. 1803.371804 V A Regulation for constituting a The Madras Court of Wards, for declaring Court of Wards the powers vested in the said Regulation, Court, and for defining the 1804. rules under which those powers are to be exercised. 1* * * * *1816 I A Regulation for declaring the The Tanjore contributions hitherto paid in Police Regu- the Province of Tanjore on lation, 1816. account of the Kavali Police, appropriable to the support of the new Police established or to be established, in that province, and for regulating the collection and assessment of those contributions. 2* * * * *1816 XI A Regulation for the The Madras establishment of a general Village-police system of Police throughout Regulation, the territories subject to the 1816. Government of Fort St. George." XII A Regulation for authorizing The Madras Collectors to refer claims Village-lands regarding lands or crops, the Disputes validity of which claims may Regulation, depend on the determination of 1816. a disputed boundary, as also certain disputes respecting the occupying, cultivating and irrigating of land to be tried and determined by Village and District Panchayats, and for prescribing the Rules under which the trial of such disputes shall be conducted and the decisions of the Panchayats carried into execution.1817 VII A Regulation for the due The Madras appropriation of the rents Endowments and produce of lands granted and Escheats for support of mosques, Hindu Regulation, temples and colleges or other 1817. public purposes, for the maintenance and repair of bridges, choultries or chattrams and other public buildings, and for the custody and disposal of escheats. VIII A Regulation for expediting the The Madras trial of civil suits in which Revenue the Native officers and soldiers Recovery attached to regular Corps in the (Military Madras Command may be parties, Proprietors) and for giving to them certain Regulation, facilities in the maintenance 1817. and recovery of their rights, claims and interests.---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The entry relating to the Madras State Offences Regulation, 1808 (7 of 1808), rep. by Act 12 of 1927, s. 2 and Sch.2. The entry relating to the Madras Village-panchayats Regulation, 1816 (5 of 1816), rep. by s. 2 and Sch., ibid.381819 II A Regulation for the confinement The Madras of State Prisoners. State Prisoners Regulation, 1819.1821 IV A Regulation for giving greater The Madras efficiency to the system of Village-police Police established in the Regulation, provinces subordinate to the 1821. Presidency of Fort St. George.1822 IV A Regulation declaring the true The Madras intent and meaning of Regulation Permanent XXV of 1802 so far as it relates Settlement to the rights of the actual (Interpreta- cultivators of the soil. tion) Regulation, 1822." VII A Regulation for declaring that The Madras the appointment and removal of Native Public the Native Public Servants of Officers Government shall be regulated by Regulation, such orders as the Governor in 1822. Council may, from time to time, see fit to issue." IX A Regulation for empowering The Madras Collectors to take primary Revenue cognizance of cases of Malversation malversation in revenue affairs, Regulation, for prescribing the rules to be 1822. observed in such investigations and in the recovery of money embezzled or corruptly received by Public Servants and others amenable to the Collector's jurisdiction, and for providing for the admission and trial of Appeals from the summary decisions of Collectors in such cases.1823 III A Regulation for declaring the The Madras powers of Subordinate and Revenue Assistant Collectors in the Malversation execution of the provisions of (Amendment) Regulation IX of 1822. Regulation, 1823.1828 VII A Regulation for declaring the The Madras powers of Subordinate and Subordinate Assistant Collectors in charge Collectors and of particular divisions of Revenue Malve- districts and for facilitating rsation proceedings under Regulation IX (Amendment) of 1822. Regulation, 1828.1829 V A Regulation for modifying The Madras section 16, Regulation III, Hindu Wills 1802, and for declaring the Regulation, legal force of Wills left by 1829. Hindus within the territories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George to be dependent on their conformity to the Hindu Law according to the authorities prevalent in the respective Provinces under this Government.1830 I A Regulation for declaring the The Madras Sati practice of Sati or of burning Regulation, or burying alive the Widows of 1830. Hindus illegal, and punishable by the Criminal Courts.---------------------------------------------------------------------391831 V A Regulation to modify and amend The Madras the provisions in force for the Stamp Penal- recovery of the penalties ties Regulat- prescribed for certain breaches ion, 1831. of the stamp laws." VI A Regulation to prevent the The Madras misappropriation of the Hereditary emoluments annexed by the State Offices to hereditary village and other Regulation, offices in the Revenue and 1831. Police Departments, and to maintain the due efficiency of those offices." X A Regulation to prohibit the sale The Madras of estates belonging to Minors Sale of not under the charge of the Minors' Court of Wards, and to extend Estates Regu- the provisions of section 20, lation, 1831. Regulation V, 1804, to property of every description not subject to the jurisdiction of that Court.1832 III A Regulation for limiting the The Madras period within which plaints or Revenue appeals preferred under section Malversation 16, Regulation IX, 1822, shall (Amendment) be admissible in the Courts of Regulation, Adalat. 1832. Part II.--Acts of the Governor General in Council1837 XXXVI An Act to extend the application The Madras of Madras Regulations IX of 1822 Public Pro- and VII of 1828. perty Malversation Act, 1837.1839 VII An Act to invest Tahsildars The Madras Rent within the Presidency of Fort and Revenue St. George with certain powers Sales Act, in respect of property 1839. distrained for arrears of rent or revenue." XXIV An Act for the administration of The Ganjam and justice and collection of the Vizagapatam Revenue in certain parts of the Act, 1839. Districts of Ganjam and Vizagapatam.1840 VIII An Act concerning the signing of The Madras awards by the members of Panchayats Panchayats. Act, 1840.1* * * * * * *1849 X An Act for appointing a The Madras Commissioner of Revenue at Revenue Madras. Commissioner Act, 1849.1851 XII An Act for securing the The Madras City land-revenue of Madras. Land-revenue Act, 1851.---------------------------------------------------------------------1 The entry relating to the Madras Inland Customs Act, 1844 (6 of 1844), rep. by the Land Customs (Amendment) Act, 1937 (3 of 1937), s. 6 and Sch.401854 XXIV An Act to prohibit the possession The Malabar of certain offensive weapons in War-knives Malabar. Act, 1854.1* * * * * * *1857 VII An Act for the more extensive The Madras employment of Unconvenanted Uncovenanted Agency in the Revenue and Officers Act, Judicial Departments in the 1857. Presidency of Fort St. George.2* * * * * * *1858 I An Act to make lawful compulsory The Madras labour for the prevention of Compulsory mischief by inundation, and to Labour Act, provide for the enforcement of 1858. customary labour on certain works of irrigation in the Presidency of Fort St. George.1859 XX An Act for the suppression of The Moplah outrages in the District of Outrages Act, Malabar in the Presidency of 1859. Fort St. George." XXIV An Act for the better regulation The Madras of the Police within the District territories subject to the Police Act, Presidency of Fort St. George. 1859.3* * * * * * *1877 XIX An Act to enable certain District The Madras Judges to suspend and remove Civil Courts certain ministerial officers and (Amendment) for other purposes. Act, 1877.1882 XXI An Act to remove doubts regarding The Madras the Madras Forest Act, 1882. Forest (Vali- dation) Act, 1882.1884 II An Act to give effect to certain The Madras unregistered instruments of Partition- partition relating to immovable deeds property in the Madras (Validation) Presidency, and to remove doubts Act, 1884. as to the titles conferred thereby.1889 V An Act to abolish the office of The Coroners Coroner of Madras. (Madras) Act, 1889.---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The entry relating to the Madras Minors Act, 1855 (21 of 1855), rep. by Act 12 of 1927, s. 2 and Sch.2. The entry relating to the Madras University Act, 1857 (27 of 1857), rep. by s. 2 and Sch., ibid.3. The entry relating to the Madras Irrigation and Canal Company Act, 1865 (30 of 1865), rep. by s. 2 and Sch., ibid.41 Part III.--Acts of the Governor of Fort St. George in Council1862 IV An Act to exempt enfranchised The Madras inams from the operation of Enfranchised Regulation IV of 1831 and Acts Inams Act, XXXI of 1836 and XXIII of 1838. 1862.1864 II An Act to consolidate the laws The Madras for the recovery of Arrears of Revenue Revenue in the Madras Recovery Act, Presidency. 1864.1865 I An Act to provide for the The Madras alteration of the Limits of District Districts or Zilas in the Madras Limits Act, Presidency. 1865." V An Act to amend Act XXIV of 1859. The Madras District Police (Amend- ment) Act, 1865." VI An Act to enable the Governor in The Madras Council to direct and prescribe Official Seals what official seals Collectors, Act, 1865. Magistrates and other public officers shall have and use." VII An Act to enable the Government The Madras to levy a separate cess for the Irrigation use of water supplied for Cess Act, irrigation purposes in certain 1865. cases.1* * * * * * *1866 II An Act for the prevention of the The Madras spread of disease among Cattle Cattle-disease in the Madras Presidency. Act, 1866." IV An Act to exempt enfranchised The Madras Village or other Service Inams, Enfranchised whether Revenue or Police, from Inams Act, the operation of Regulation VI 1866. of 1831.2* * * * * * *1867 VI An Act to amend Act XII of 1851 The Madras City (an Act for securing the Land-revenue Land-revenue of Madras). (Amendment) Act, 1867.1869 III An Act to empower The Madras Revenue-officers to summon Revenue persons to attend at their Summonses Act, Kachahris for the settlement of 1869. matters connected with Revenue administration.---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The entry relating to Mad. Act 8 of 1865, rep. by Act 12 of 1927, s. 2 and Sch.2. The entry relating to Mad. Act 5 of 1866 rep. by s. 2 and Sch., ibid.421869 VIII An Act to prevent doubts as to The Madras the true intent and meaning of Inams Act, certain words used in the 1869. title-deeds of inams heretofore furnished to inam-holders by the Inam Commissioner of the Madras Presidency, and to declare the true intent and meaning of Madras Acts IV of 1862 and IV of 1866.1* * * * * * *1873 I An Act to prevent the The Madras Wild indiscriminate destruction of Elephants' Wild Elephants. Preservation Act, 1873.1876 I An Act to make better provision The Madras for the separate assessment of Land-revenue alienated portions of Assessment permanently settled estates. Act, 1876.1878 VII An Act to provide for the payment The Madras from Municipal Funds of a Municipal portion of the cost of the Police Act, Police Force employed in the 1878. City of Madras and in all Municipal Towns within the Presidency of Fort St. George.1879 I An Act to amend Madras Act II of The Madras 1866 (the Cattle-disease Cattle-disease Prevention Act). (Amendment) Act, 1879.1884 III The Madras Revenue Recovery Act The Madras Amendment Act. Revenue Recovery (Amendment) Act, 1884.2* * * * * * *1885 II An Act to amend the Madras The Madras Rivers Conservancy Act, 1884. Rivers Conservancy (Amendment) Act, 1885.3* * * * * * *4* * * * * * *5* * * * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------1. The entries relating to Mad. Acts 2 and 7 of 1871, rep. by Act 12 of 1927, s. 2 and Sch.2. The entry relating to Mad. Act 7 of 1884 rep. by the Madras City Municipal Act, 1904 (Mad. 3 of 1904).3. The entries relating to Mad. Acts 3 of 1886, 3 of 1890 and 1 of 1892 rep. by Act 12 of 1927, s. 2 and Sch.4. The entry relating to Mad. Act 2 of 1892 rep. by Madras Act 3 of 1904.5. The entry relating to the Madras Inland Customs (Amendment) Act, 1893 (2 of 1893), rep. by the Land Customs (Amendment) Act, 1937 (3 of 1937), s. 6 and Sch.431893 V An Act for facilitating enquiries The Madras into matters connected with the Revenue administration of the Revenue Enquiries and into the conduct of Public Act, 1893. Servants.1894 I An Act to provide further for the The Madras conduct of business by the Board Board of of Revenue. Revenue Act, 1894.1895 II An Act to amend Madras Act II of The Madras 1890 Canals and Public Ferries (Amendment) Act, 1895.1896 I An Act to limit the local extent The Madras Rent of the Madras Rent Recovery Act, Recovery VIII of 1865. (Amendment) Act, 1896." II An Act to amend the Madras The Madras General Clauses Act, I of 1891. General Clauses (Amendment) Act, 1896.1897 I An Act to amend the Madras The Madras Revenue Recovery Act, II of Revenue 1864. Recovery (Amendment) Act, 1897." II An Act to amend Madras Act No. The Madras III of 1895 (the Madras Hereditary Hereditary Village-offices Act, Village-offices 1895). (Amendment) Act, 1897.1898 I An Act to amend the Malabar The Malabar Marriage Act, 1896. Marriage (Amendment) Act, 1898.1* * * * * * *1898 III An Act to amend the Madras City The Madras City Police Act, 1888. Police (Amend- ment) Act, 1898.2* * * * * * *3* * * * * * *1899 IV An Act to amend Madras Regulation The Madras V of 1884. Court of Wards (Amendment) Act, 1899.4* * * * * * *_____________________________________________________________________1. The entry relating to Mad. Act 2 of 1898 rep. by Act 12 of 1927, s. 2 and Sch.2. The entry relating to Mad. Act 1 of 1899 rep. by s. 2 and Sch., ibid.3. The entry relating to Mad. Act 2 of 1899 rep. by the Madras City Municipal Act, 1904 (Mad. 3 of 1904).4. The entry relating to Mad. Act 3 of 1900 rep. by Act 12 of 1927 s. 2 and Sch.441900 IV An Act to amend the Madras The Madras Proprietary Estates' Village Proprietary Service Act, 1894, and the Estates and Madras Survey and Boundaries Survey (Amend- Act, 1897. ment) Act, 1900." V An Act to amend Madras Act VII The Madras of 1865. Irrigation Cess (Amend- ment) Act, 1900._____________________________________________________________________
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