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Mukul Wasnik, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Inaugurated Job Fest for Differently Abled Persons

20 Private Companies and about 400 Differently Abled Job Aspirants Participated in the Fest



Sh. Mukul Wasnik, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment inaugurated the first ever job fest for differently abled persons here today. On this occasion Sh. Wasnik said, his Ministry applauds the efforts of PHD Chamber of Commerce in organising this job fest. It provides a platform for interaction between the employers and the physically challenged and give them an excellent opportunity to avail a job in the private sector.


He said, the Government has taken several steps to provide employment opportunities to persons with disabilities, be it wage employment or self employment. Self employment is promoted by way of providing vocational training and loans at concessional rate of interest. The wage employment is promoted by providing 3% reservation in Government establishments, filling up the backlog vacancies and incentivising the employers those who employ the persons with disabilities by contributing employer’s share of EPF and ESI for the first 3 years. Presently, the coverage under this scheme is not encouraging.  He urged the captains of Industry to come forward and employ more persons with disabilities in their workforce and avail the benefit of this scheme.


He recalled here that PM had stated in 2007 that “the guiding principle of the Government has been to ensure that, while sustaining higher rates of economic growth, the improved performance of the economy must contribute to employment generation, poverty reduction and human development.  The aim of each of our flagship programmes is to ensure that growth is more equitable and that it empowers the most deprived of our citizens”.  Government’s approach towards "Social Justice" stresses that relationships between people shall be based on constitutional values of dignity, equality, fraternity and liberty.


On this occasion, Minister of Labour, Mallikarjun Kharge said, 20 Vocational Rehabilitation Centres under the Ministry of Labour and Employment providing vocational training exclusively topersons with disabilities. Skill Development Initiative Scheme is also another major step by the Ministry in providing modular employable skills to the persons with disabilities.


The Minister further said, this Job Fest is an important step forward.    Along with the Government the Corporate sector needs to shoulder greater responsibility in empowering the Persons with Disability, Prevention of disability, early intervention, rehabilitation, education, accessibility and employment are key areas where the corporate sector can play a greater role.


About 400 differently abled job aspirants are attending the Job Fest. Around 20 private sector companies, who are willing to provide employment to these persons   participated.


Following is the text of the speech made by Sh. Mukul Wasnik, Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment on the occasion:


“I am delighted to be present in the Job Fest for persons with disabilities organized by PHD Chamber of Commerce. I am sure that this shall  provide a platform for the employers in the private sector, persons with disabilities, training providers and voluntary organizations to come together,  interact and respond to each other’s needs. It is indeed a positive step by the Chamber for providing an opportunity to persons with disabilities to get employment.


There is nothing more frustrating to a disabled person than the imagined limitations people put on them. Society’s ignorance about persons with disabilities is as handicapping as the real limitations of the actual impairment. Our differently-abled persons are not treated on par with other people. Many of them want to work but are not given an opportunity; they are not recognized for their talents which hampers the unlocking of their potential. They are at a disadvantage in finding employment and this initiative of the PHD Chamber is commendable.  It was proved time and again that with right kind of opportunities persons with disabilities can achieve new heights and we have so many shining examples of such outstanding persons. Channamadev, Missile Scientist and recipient of many awards for his astounding achievements in the field of Missile Technology, Krishna Kumar Verma, Design and Development scientist at Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Girish Uday More an IT Architect with IBM, Ashish Goyal first blind trader to work with J P Morgan commanding an astronomical pay check, Neha Nalin Pawaskar, a mountaineer and Limca book of records holder, Sarmista Datta an IAS officer, Malini Chib, a young writer having Cerebral Palsy are a few to name.


Our Government has taken several steps to provide employment opportunities to the persons with disabilities, be it wage employment or self employment. Self employment is promoted by way of providing vocational training and loans at concessional rate of interest. The wage employment is promoted by providing 3% reservation in Government establishments, filling up the backlog vacancies and incentivising the employers those who employ the persons with disabilities by contributing employer’s share of EPF and ESI for the first 3 years. Presently, the coverage under this scheme is not encouraging. I take this opportunity to urge the captains of Industry to come forward and employ more persons with disabilities in their workforce and avail the benefit of this scheme.


I wish to recall here that in 2007 while speaking on the topic of “Inclusive Growth – Challenges for Corporate India”, PM had stated that “the guiding principle of our Government has been to ensure that, while sustaining higher rates of economic growth, the improved performance of the economy must contribute to employment generation, poverty reduction and human development.  The aim of each of our flagship programmes is to ensure that growth is more equitable and that it empowers the most deprived of our citizens”.  Our approach towards "Social Justice" stresses that relationships between people shall be based on constitutional values of dignity, equality, fraternity and liberty.  No doubt such relationships have to ensure that the poorest and the most disadvantaged are also treated with dignity and equality.  This should be in recognition of their rights.  Equality and dignity cannot be solely for the privileged, and the well off.


Many of you may be aware the France has provided for employment quota for PwD. If employers do not meet the obligations, they can do so by contributing to a fund for the vocational integration of disabled persons.  The fund is also used to subsidise the extra cost of training activities and developing or implementing work place adaptations.


Japan too has provided for a quota of 1.8 percent.  Employers who are not in compliance are subjected to a levy of a specified amount for each person-month below the quota.  Those who exceed are many such examples in the developed countries.


Today this jobfest is an important step forward.  We may have to do much more.  Along with the Government the Corporate sector needs to shoulder greater responsibility in empowering the Persons with Disability, Prevention of disability, early intervention, rehabilitation, education, accessibility and employment are key areas where the corporate sector can play a greater role.


                        I would like to conclude by saying that the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment applauds the efforts of PHD Chamber of Commerce in organizing this Job Fest for Persons with Disabilities. I am sure that the Job Fest would provide a platform for interaction between the employers and the physically challenged and give them an excellent opportunity to avail a job in the private sector and I hope that most of the students get placed through this Job-Fest.”


Status of Special Recruitment Drive


No of Vacancies identified as on 15.11.2009         -           8324


No of Vacancies filled as on 13.7.2011                     -           1324

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