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Rent Agreement

Shalini Kashyap
Last updated: 01 August 2020
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This RENTAL AGREEMENT ("the Agreement") is made on [the effective date) between [Renter Name(s)] (hereinafter referred to as "RENTER(s)"/ "TENANT") AND

[Landlord Name] ("LANDLORD"/"LANDOWNER").

The Tenant and Landlord shall hereinafter collectively be referred as Parties and individually as Party.

IN CONSIDERATION OF the Renter(s) agreeing to pay to lease the property owned by the Landlord, and the Landlord agreeing to lease their property to the Renter(s), the Parties agree to the following:


a) Each party should keep a copy of this tenancy agreement.
b) Changes in the particulars of either party must be notified to the other party within 10 working days.
c) This contract may not be enforceable against a tenant under the age of 18 (a minor). The Indian Majority Act, 1875 may apply.


a) Premises: The property subject to this Agreement ("Premises") is located at:

[Building Name, Apartment Number]
[Street Address]
[Unit Number]
[City, State, Zip Code]

b) Occupancy: The Renter(s) may begin occupying the Premises on [the effective date].

People: Occupancy of the Premises is limited to the Renter(s) named in this Agreement. Guests of the Renter(s) are welcome to stay at the Premises for a period of time not to exceed [number] of days.

Pets: The following pets are permitted to stay on the Premises:



The TENANT may use the PREMISES only as a single family residence.


a) Monthly Rent: The Renter(s) agree to pay the Landlord rent in the amount of Rs.[____] to be paid on or before the first day of every month. The first rent payment is due on [date].

b) Method of Payment: The rent payment must be made by cash/cheque/electronic payment via Gpay/Paytm. Cheque must be made out to: [Name].

c) Late Fees: Payments made more than twenty-four (24) hours after the due date are subject to a Rs.[___] late fee. A bounced cheque will be treated as non-payment.

d) Security Deposit: The Renter(s) will pay the Landlord a security deposit of Rs.[____] ("Security Deposit") prior to taking occupancy of the Premises to cover the cost of damages and cleaning. If the Premises are returned in the same condition as they were in when the Renter(s) moved in, reasonable wear and tear expected, the Landlord will refund the Security Deposit to the Renter(s). The Landlord agrees to refund the Security Deposit, or any remaining balance of the Security Deposit, within thirty (30) days following termination of this Agreement. The Landlord reserves the right to apply the Security Deposit any unpaid rent that may be owed. By signing this Agreement, the Landlord acknowledges receipt of the Security Deposit.

e) Pet Deposit: The Renter(s) will pay the Landlord a pet deposit of Rs.[___] ("Pet Deposit"). The Pet Deposit is non-refundable.

f) Utilities: Renter(s) are responsible for paying all utilities or other charges associated with occupying the Premises beginning on the date the Renter(s) may begin occupying the Premises per Section 1(b) until termination of this Agreement.


This Agreement will become effective upon signing and will remain in effect for a period of one year ("Initial Term"). After the Initial Term, this Agreement will continue on a month-to-month basis. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time after the Initial Term by providing the other Party with a sixty (60) day written notice of termination. The Renter(s) must move out of the Premises with their belongings by 11:59 PM on the last day of the notice of termination period.

During the last sixty (60) days of this Agreement, the Landlord may display a "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign at the Premises.


a) Provide and maintain the premises in a reasonable condition.
b) Allow the tenant quiet enjoyment of the premises.
c) Comply with all building, health and safety standards that apply to the premises.
d) Comply with all requirements imposed on the landlord by regulations.
e) Pay premium, tax and any insurance taken out by the landlord.
f) Not seize the tenant’s goods for any reason.
g) Inform the tenant if the property is on the market for sale.
h) Not interfere with the supply of any services to the premises.
i) If the landlord is in breach of these responsibilities, the tenant(s) can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal.
j) Appoint an agent and notify the tenant of the agent’s details whenever leaving Country for more than 21 consecutive days.
k) Inform the tenant of any changes to the information in the insurance statement within a reasonable time.


a) Pay the rent on time.

b) Keep the premises reasonably clean and tidy, and notify the landlord as soon as any repairs are needed. You may not withhold rent if you cannot get repairs done.

c) Use the premises principally for residential purposes.

d) Pay all electricity, gas, telephone, and metered water charges.

e) Not damage or permit damage to the premises, and to inform the landlord of any damage.

f) Not disturb the neighbours or the landlord’s other tenants.

g) Not alter the premises without the landlord’s written consent.

h) Not use the property for any unlawful purpose.

i) Leave the property clean and tidy, and clear of rubbish and possessions at the end of the tenancy.

j) At the end of the tenancy, leave all keys and such things with the landlord. Leave all chattels supplied with the tenancy.

k) Maximum number of occupants stated in the tenancy agreement, should in case not exceed.

l) The TENANT will not keep anything in the PREMISES which is dangerous, flammable, explosive or which might increase the danger of fire or any other hazard, or which would increase LANDLORD's fire or hazard insurance.


The landlord shall enter the premises only:

a) With the tenant's consent at the time of entry
b) In an emergency
c) For necessary maintenance or repairs, compliance or preparation for compliance with any requirements regarding insulation and healthy homes standards, from 8 am to 7 pm, after 24 hours' notice
d) For an inspection of the property or work done by the tenant, from 8 am to 7 pm after 48 hours' notice
e) With the tenant's prior consent, to show the premises to prospective tenants, purchasers, registered valuer or real estate agent doing an appraisal, or other expert engaged in appraising the premises
f) Consent may not be unreasonably withheld but reasonable conditions may be imposed
g) To test for contamination, after 48 hours' notice.


Locks can only be changed with the agreement of both the tenant and the landlord. They should be provided and maintained in a secure state by the landlord.


The Renter(s) may not paint, wallpaper, redecorate or change the locks or other hardware at the Premises without written permission from the Landlord.


a) Landlords must disclose whether or not the property is insured in a statement as part of any new tenancy agreement, and if so, the excess amount of any relevant policies. They must also include a statement informing the tenant that a copy of their insurance policy is available on request.

b) Landlords must provide tenants with this insurance information (if requested within a reasonable timeframe) and provide updated information within a reasonable timeframe if insurance information changes, or (where they are not the insurance holder) within a reasonable timeframe of becoming aware of the changes.

c) If tenants or their guests damage a rental property as a result of careless behaviour, the tenant is liable for the cost of the damage up to four weeks’ rent or the insurance excess (if applicable), whichever is lower. Tenants on income-related rents are liable for the cost of the damage up to four weeks’ market rent or the insurance excess (if applicable), whichever is lower.

d) Tenants will be liable for the full cost of damage that they or their guests cause intentionally or that results from an act or omission that constitutes an imprisonable offence.


a) Legal Action and Choice of Law: If legal action is necessary, this Agreement will be interpreted based on the laws of the Union territory of Delhi ( The Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958, The Delhi Rent Act, 1995), regardless of any conflict of law issues that may arise. The Parties agree the legal action will be resolved in the Union Territory of Delhi.

b) Attorney’s Fees: The prevailing party will be able to recover its attorney’s fees and other reasonable costs for a dispute resolved by legal action.


a) Assignment: The Parties may not assign the responsibilities they have under this Agreement to anyone else.

b) Attachments: All attachments are expressly incorporated as an integral part of this Agreement.

c) Complete Contract: This Agreement constitutes the Parties’ entire understanding of their rights and obligations. This Agreement supersedes any other written or verbal communications between the Parties. Any subsequent changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the Parties.

d) Insurance: The Renter(s) must carry renter’s insurance that meets or exceeds the minimum standards required by law.

e) Joint Responsibility: The Renter(s) are jointly and severally responsible for all obligations of this Agreement.

f) Severability: If any section of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of this Agreement will still be enforceable.

g) Waiver: Neither Party can waive any provision of this Agreement, or any rights or obligations under this Agreement, unless agreed to in writing. If any provision, right, or obligation is waived, it’s only waived to the extent agreed to in writing.


All notices pursuant to this Agreement must be sent either by email with read receipt requested, or certified or registered Indian Postal Service mail with confirmation of receipt requested to the following:

[Renter(s) Name(s)]

[Landlord Name]

[First Name Last Name]

[First Name Last Name]

[Street Address]

[Street Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[City, State, Zip Code]



[Email Address]

[Email Address]

By signing below, the Parties acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Agreement. The Renter(s) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this Agreement.

Signed on behalf of LANDLORD

Signed on behalf of TENANT









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