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Articles by shraddha Easwaran

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History And Development Of Arbitration Law In India

  shraddha Easwaran   10 August 2022 at 11:13

KEY TAKEAWAYS Arbitration requires no introduction in the contemporary era of dispute settlement. It has successfully replaced litigation as the favored method of resolving commercial disputes and has become synonymous with dispute resolution for com ..

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The Family Court Bill Amendment 2022 Explained

  shraddha Easwaran   09 August 2022 at 11:49

KEY TAKEAWAYS The Family Courts Act of 1984 is modified by the Family Courts (Amendment) Bill of 2022. State governments may create Family Courts under the Act. Dates for the Act's implementation in various states may be announced by the federa ..

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Right To Privacy And The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019

  shraddha Easwaran   28 July 2022 at 12:23

KEY TAKEAWAYS It has become more crucial than ever to make sure that the right to privacy is properly protected, especially in light of the recent exponential advancements in technology. Social networking has become so ingrained in our daily lives. I ..

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A Historical Perspective On Universal Suffrage And It’simportance

  shraddha Easwaran   25 July 2022 at 10:43

KEY TAKEAWAYS The universal adult franchise guarantees that every adult citizen, regardless of gender, wealth, caste, or any other factor, has the right to vote and elect their representative. The right to equality is the essence of this. Different c ..

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Online Trolling And It's Legal Implications

  shraddha Easwaran   31 May 2022 at 10:29

KEY TAKEAWAYS Trolling is a term that was coined in 1992 and is frequently used in regard to the internet. Trolling is defined as the intentional manufacture of dissension on the internet through the use of harsh language, with the purpose to argue o ..

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Theories Of Consumer Protection And Its Implications

  shraddha Easwaran   20 May 2022 at 10:34

KEYTAKEAWAYS Consumer protection can be accomplished through a variety of different means Methods of consumer protection adopted by a country is dependent on the culture and norms prevalent in a given country. UNCTAD has highlighted the following SIX ..

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Sale Of Blood In India And Its Illegal Dimension

  shraddha Easwaran   12 May 2022 at 10:08

KEYTAKEAWAYS A blood donation occurs when a person gives their consent to have their blood collected and utilized for transfusions. Such Donations are usually done in blood banks. But the recent trend shows a hike in the black markets of blood. The s ..

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Rise Of Consumerism And Its Evolution

  shraddha Easwaran   09 May 2022 at 11:45

KEY TAKEAWAYS Consumerism can be described as consumer behavior and attitude marked by a persistent desire for a better lifestyle, no matter how tough to attain. Businesses profit more when consumers spend more money, boosting the national economy in ..

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Rarest Of Rare Case Doctrine

  shraddha Easwaran   26 April 2022 at 10:51

KEY TAKEAWAYS The Rarest of the Rare Doctrine is a half tale, part truth, but it is also a rare occurrence in the court system. When it comes to capital punishment, India adopts the notion of the Rarest of the Rare Doctrine. The judicial system emplo ..

Posted in Others |   1961 Views

Sessions Court As A Court Of Original Jurisdiction

  shraddha Easwaran   20 April 2022 at 14:39

KEY TAKEAWAYS The Sessions Court is established according to Section 9 of the CrPC. According to Section 209, a Magistrate takes cognizance of a crime. Articles 233-237 deal with subordinate courts. From Section 225 through Section 237, the procedure ..

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