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Articles by Gautam Badlani

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ICJ Judgment On Israel

  Gautam Badlani   22 July 2024 at 13:11

Jurisdiction The Court began by addressing the issue of whether it has the authority to provide the advisory opinion. It stated that the Court must satisfy itself that the matter on which it is asked to provide a decision is a "legal question," in co ..

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All you need to know about money laundering

  Gautam Badlani   06 March 2023 at 16:46

Introduction The advancement of the economic and financial systems has led to the rise of complex economic offenses which are not only difficult to trace but also adversely affect the nations’ economic assets. One such economic offense is money ..

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Right To Bear Arms In The United States

  Gautam Badlani   06 March 2023 at 12:20

IntroductionThe growing rate of gun-related violence is increasing the pressure on US lawmakers to bring about greater regulation and stringent laws relating to gun control. However, the right to possess guns for the purpose of self-defense is regard ..

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Article 15 And 16 Of The Indian Constitution - An Analysis

  Gautam Badlani   17 March 2022 at 17:26

KEY TAKEAWAYS Article 15 and 16 of the Indian Constitution are based upon the concept of equality, social justice and social harmony. Article 15(4) and 16(4) are not exceptions to their respective provisions. They provide positive and affirmative sup ..

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Right Of Foreclosure Under The Transfer Of Property Act: An Analysis

  Gautam Badlani   09 February 2022 at 17:44

KEY TAKEAWAYS The traditional practice where the mortgagee forfeited the mortgaged property in the event of any default in payment is not considered to be good in law anymore. The mortgagee has to exercise his rights in the procedure prescribed by th ..

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Right Of Redemption Under Transfer Of Property Act: An Analysis

  Gautam Badlani   07 February 2022 at 11:26

KEY TAKEAWAYS The Right of Redemption is envisaged under Article 60 of the Transfer of Property Act. Under this right, the mortgagor can redeem the mortgaged property after the payment of the amount due. Where the mortgagor mortgages multiples proper ..

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Things to Know About a Deposition

  Gautam Badlani   02 February 2022 at 17:28

When it comes to a personal injury case, you can expect to go through a deposition. It's part of the discovery process where they get details from what happened on both sides. When you file a lawsuit, the other side has the right to know what hap ..

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Major Judgments On National Flag And National Anthem

  Gautam Badlani   27 January 2022 at 10:33

KEY TAKEAWAYS Article 51A(a) of the Constitution of India states that it shall be the fundamental duty of every Indian citizen to "abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem" ..

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Right To Privacy Vs Right To Fair Trial: An Analysis In Light Of The Delhi High Court Judgment

  Gautam Badlani   25 January 2022 at 12:40

KEY TAKEWAYS The Supreme Court's Constitutional bench held in KS Puttuswamy v. Union of India that the right to privacy is a part of the right to live with dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution. Thus, right to privacy has now been elevated ..

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The Word Impossible Used In Section 56 Of Indian Contract Act Does Not Merely Mean Physical Impossibility

  Gautam Badlani   20 January 2022 at 17:45

KEY TAKEAWAYS When the performance of the contractual obligations is rendered impossible due to circumstances which are beyond the control of the contractual parties, the doctrine of frustration of contract, envisaged under Section 56 of the Indian C ..

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