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Articles by Biswaranjan Panda

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Burden of proof under Indian Evidence Act

  Biswaranjan Panda    12 September 2018 at 11:52

Q.1WHAT IS BURDEN OF PROOF? The word 'burden of proof' has not been defined in Evidence Act. IN Simple term burden of proof means responsibility to prove the fact in a case Or obligation to proof ..

Posted in Students  2 comments |   34801 Views

Model answer for maintenance u/s 125 CRPC for judicial examination preparation

  Biswaranjan Panda    20 August 2018 at 10:10

Criminal Procedure Code, Section 125 CrPC, Maintenance of Wife, Maintenance of Child and Parents, Judicial Examination, Who can claim Maintenance, When not entitled to get Maintenance. ..

Posted in Students  2 comments |   7384 Views

Triple Talaq : An Analysis

  Biswaranjan Panda    20 August 2018 at 10:09

INTRODUCTION On 22nd August,2017 a five-judge bench of the Supreme Court in a split verdict ruled that the practice of instant triple talaq in the Muslim community is unconstitutional. ..

Posted in Family Law  1 comments |   554 Views

The Prevention of Corruption of Act, 1988 - All you need to know

  Biswaranjan Panda    10 May 2018 at 11:11

The Prevention of Corruption of Act, 1988 all you need to knowByAdvocate Biswaranjan Panda (M.B.A.LL.M.)brpandaadv@gmail.com9438632339 "If we cannot make India corruption-free, then the vision of making the nation develop by 2020 would remain as ..

Posted in Others  2 comments |   1498 Views

Protest Petiton

  Biswaranjan Panda    09 May 2018 at 12:21

The term 'Protest Petition' is nowhere defined under the Criminal Law in India but when the aggrieved person or complainant is not satisfied with the police report which filed before the Concerned Court; the Complainant ..

Posted in Criminal Law  2 comments |   3868 Views

Justice delayed is justice denied

  Biswaranjan Panda    09 May 2018 at 12:20

INTRODUCTION"Justice delayed is justice denied." This line was written by William Ewart Gladstone (1809 - 1898). He was one of the greatest of English Politicians and also former British Pri ..

Posted in Others  4 comments |   1099 Views

Critical analysis on Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015

  Biswaranjan Panda    08 May 2018 at 12:47

Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 critical analysis. Child welfare under juvenile justice. Nirbhaya case. What have been the amendments? Salient features. Children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection. ..

Posted in Criminal Law  2 comments |   7266 Views

Adultery and Rape under Indian Penal Code

  Biswaranjan Panda    05 May 2018 at 12:58

ADULTERY AND RAPEThe offence of Adultery did not punish womenThe section 497 of the Indian Penal Code, describes Adultery. In adultery there will be is a sexual relationship between a person who is married to another person rather than his or her sp ..

Posted in Criminal Law  5 comments |   13335 Views

Culpable Homicide / Murder under IPC

  Biswaranjan Panda    04 May 2018 at 10:44

Culpable homicide /murder Meaning;- the word homicide derieve from latin words homo and cido .homo means ..

Posted in Criminal Law  1 comments |   7974 Views

Sections 498 (A) VS 304(B) IPC are not mutually exclusive

  Biswaranjan Panda    03 May 2018 at 17:29

Analysis of Section 304(B) of Indian Penal Code. Deals with Dowry death, where death of women caused by burns or bodily injured or in any other circumstances. Cruelty or harassment in connection with demand of Dowry. ..

Posted in Criminal Law  3 comments |   12673 Views
