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Articles by B S MURTHY

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How to make a successful career in law

  B S MURTHY   15 July 2019 at 12:16

For the benefit of lawyers, especially young aspirants, the following points/tips are dealt with.The Reader is expected to take it in right spirit with a pragmatic approach. Lawyer�s profession is a competitive one. One has to have lot of patie ..

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Improper & Illogical way of functioning of Courts - Urgent need of refurbishing

  B S MURTHY   27 August 2018 at 16:30

I feel very much concerned to find the illogical functioning of Courts in more than one way. In brief, I draw kind attention of the Authorities to the following lapses observed in our Judicial system. 1. The no. of cases posted on each day is absurdl ..

Posted in Others  1 comments |   338 Views

Implementation of IT in judiciary system - Development of e-courts, websites and the modules

  B S MURTHY   07 April 2018 at 10:02

As per the present defective judiciary standards followed by Indian Courts, the public, at large, are suffering from undue delays in ..

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Indian Judiciary System - Revamping: Need of the hour

  B S MURTHY   17 October 2017 at 11:55

In general, public look at the Judiciary and Law professionals with a high sense of respect, next only toTemples.But in reality, as per the present defect ..

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