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Articles by Sameer Sharma

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Fundamental Rights - Its Development

  Sameer Sharma   27 June 2014 at 11:24

Fundamental Rights � Recent Developments The Constitution enshrines many benevolent provisions. It is a treasure house spelling out Fundamental Rights, duties and other basic freedoms. Part III of our Constitution is a work of pride and the cr ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   3009 Views

Rule of Caveat Emptor

  Sameer Sharma   29 March 2013 at 11:07

Rule of Caveat Emptor As per Advanced Law Lexicon by P. Ramanatha Aiyar, 3rd Edition. 2005 at page 721: Caveat emptor means "Let the purchaser beware." It is one of the settled maxims, applying to a purchaser who is bound by actual as we ..

Posted in Property Law  3 comments |   20410 Views


  Sameer Sharma   11 September 2010 at 09:41

DISCRETIONARY POWER The power to punish a delinquent conferred on the disciplinary authority and the appellate authority is a discretionary power and the question what is adequate punishment is a question of discretion. According to Black's Law ..

Posted in Others |   10549 Views

Right to Legal Representation

  Sameer Sharma   08 September 2010 at 18:42

Right to Legal Representation In general, the right to counsel is not considered a mandatory part of the right to fair hearing. There are several statutory provisions prohibiting the presence of lawyers at adjudicatory proceedings: Ss.36(2)(a), (b), ..

Posted in Others  2 comments |   7447 Views

Doctrine of Constructive Notice

  Sameer Sharma   06 September 2010 at 20:50

Doctrine of Constructive Notice: The ‘doctrine of constructive notice’ is more or less an unreal doctrine. It does not take notice of the realities of business life. People know a company through its officers and not through its document ..

Posted in Corporate Law |   20223 Views


  Sameer Sharma   06 September 2010 at 20:50

RESTITUTION OF CONJUGAL RIGHTS Section 9: Restitution of conjugal rights: "When either the husband or the wife has without reasonable excuse withdrawn from the society of the other, the aggrieved party may apply by petition to the district Co ..

Posted in Family Law  1 comments |   28429 Views

Doctrine - Feeding The Grant By Estoppel

  Sameer Sharma   04 September 2010 at 15:20

Doctrine of Feeding grant by estoppel tpa. Section 43 of transfer of property act. Fraudulent representation. Doctrine under transfer of property act. Section 43 tpa doctrine. ..

Posted in Property Law |   34363 Views

Ex-post facto Laws

  Sameer Sharma   01 September 2010 at 09:51

Ex-post facto Laws Latin for "after the fact," which refers to laws adopted after an act is committed making it illegal although it was legal when done, or increasing the penalty for a crime after it is committed. Such laws are specifica ..

Posted in Constitutional Law  1 comments |   9964 Views

Death Penalty

  Sameer Sharma   27 August 2010 at 14:32

Death Penalty: Also known as capital punishment, this is the most severe form of corporal punishment as it is requires law enforcement officers to kill the convicted offender. Between 1975 and 1991, about 40 people were executed. On April 27, ..

Posted in Criminal Law  1 comments |   6448 Views

Legal Rights - SAUDI ARABIA

  Sameer Sharma   26 August 2010 at 06:28

Legal Rights - SAUDI ARABIA Although the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom declared that, with the demise of the Taliban, Saudi Arabia is probably the worst oppressor of religious rights in the world, the Bush Administration decid ..

Posted in Others  1 comments |   5483 Views
