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Lawyersclubindia Articles

Data Theft in Cyber Space – Issues and Laws

  robin   14 September 2008 at 11:18

Data Theft in Cyber Space – Issues and LawsThe rapid development of Information technology poses new challenges before the law. These challenges are not confined to any single traditional legal category but arise in, for example, Criminal Law, Intell ..

Posted in Others |   1563 Views

Micro & Small Medium Enterprises

  VASANTH D JAGANATH   13 September 2008 at 09:26

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 Agriculture is considered to be one of the main sector of the Indian economy. Simultaneously there are other sectors which contribute for Indian economy like industry and service sector. ..

Posted in Others |   1871 Views

Works Contract

  VASANTH D JAGANATH   13 September 2008 at 09:26

Case Study On Sub-Contract State of Andhra Pradesh & Others Vs Larsen & Tourbo Ltd & Others [Arising out of SLP (C) No.124825 of 2007] Facts: Larsen & Tourbo Ltd [L&T] is engaged in execution of civil works contract. Registered ..

Posted in Taxation |   4570 Views

Employee State Insurance Act, 1948 – An overview

  Rajkumar Adukia   13 September 2008 at 09:26

Employees State Insurance Act, 1948; Overview of ESI Act, 1948; Definitions of ESI Act, 1948, Employers and Employees in ESI Act, 1948; Contribution of Auditor; Benefits under Scheme of ESI Act, 1948 ..

Posted in Labour & Service Law |   20892 Views


  sreekumar.c.nair   11 September 2008 at 09:33

Implied Conditions in Sale of Goods. Section 14 to 17 of the Act. Various conditions under the Act with case laws and illustrations. Conditions including Condition as to Merchanability, ..

Posted in Corporate Law |   101108 Views


  sreekumar.c.nair   10 September 2008 at 09:08

INTRODUCTIONEvery object,natural or manmade, has an individuality, which is not duplicated in any otherobject .It is unique. Neither the nature has duplicated itself, nor man can.This is the law of individuality, which is of fundamental importance in ..

Posted in Criminal Law |   2213 Views

Live and Let Live

  V.S.Babu Gireesan   10 September 2008 at 01:27

LIVE AND LET LIVE Mullaperiyar is natural. Dam is cultural .The innovative combination made the dry land in the plateauic region both arable and habitative. The present day dispute of the two adjoining states related with the fear of human life in ..

Posted in Others |   1516 Views

court aquits painter for nude art

  pabba sandeep   09 September 2008 at 20:18

Famous Indian painter M.F. Husain said Tuesday he planned to returnhome from self-imposed exile after the country's Supreme Court clearedhim of charges of offending Hindus with his nude depiction of "MotherIndia.'' "At last, the dignity of the Indian ..

Posted in Constitutional Law |   1596 Views

employees responsibility towards organisation

  TS Bhatia   09 September 2008 at 14:39

EMPLOYEES REPONSIBILITY TOWARDS ORGANISATIONThe new and existing employees that are hired in an organization have a certain responsibility towards the organization, society, and the nation, at large. Therefore, it is important to induct the ‘right’ e ..

Posted in Others |   2752 Views

40 tips for better life

  TS Bhatia   09 September 2008 at 14:39

40 Tips for a Better Life1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.3. Go to bed earlier and get more sleep.4. When you wake up in the mor ..

Posted in Others |   1724 Views
